For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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Postby greenman » Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:48 pm

how do i convert emu harddrives/banks to other sample formats without losing any settings? - and if there is such thing which is the software sampler that is most likely to cope with emu settings?
i wont stop using the emu, but i want to have a better sorted archive and backup.
i heard even emux users cant use their eos files, they have to go through a halion conversion

cd xtract does convert fine, but in most cases, no parameters of a preset programming are kept

chickensys translator is a shit program. it shows the files in the demo version, but it never really worked when i really wanted a translation, neither on mac nor on pc. i payed for this shit and their support was wack.
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Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:20 pm
Location: cologne

Postby Flipped » Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:25 am


I think those are really the only two options (CDXtract/Translator) of translating E-mu banks, with any type of success, to another format. I agree that the conversion is not spot on with either of those programs but I'm afraid we're SOL in most cases. I've resided to the fact that my E-mu banks will never be as usable in another format other than it's original format. :???:
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