Software; "you know who you are"

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

Moderators: ezman, stu, Ole

Hard Vs Soft 'armageddion time'

Poll ended at Mon Mar 14, 2005 3:45 am

Software :/
Total votes : 8

Software; "you know who you are"

Postby FilthyMcNasty » Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:45 am

I'm tired of running into people who think they're 'cool' producers because they've bought a few 'games' for their PC. A lot of them don't even know what synths & compressors actually do, but they will insist on talking about them for hours at a time.

It's good that people get the chance to 'have a go' on the cheap, without having to put a load of 2nd hand gear on e-bay, but they take themselves so fucking seriously.

'I've been doing this shit for years' & I still think my stuff is shite. I still dont introduce myself to people as a dj OR producer, like many of these 'cool' guys tend to do.

Ever wondered why the "underground" scenes seem so flooded? Maybe it's because there's so many people banging out poppy shite.
madness takes it's toll, have exact change.
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Postby et » Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:19 pm

i woud say u do need both
when i 1st started a while ago i was just on a pc
and i never reallly got a nice warm sound most of the samples i had were shit
then i got a virus b then my life changed all i done was twiddle those knobs and sounded 100% better than the pc ever did
filter phaser ect all dam nice nothing on a pc could compair
i had a akai s2000 a few year ago but i was dumb then and never really knew how to use it and sold it
now i got a emu a few months back and by beats have changed so much from when i did on the pc
i even put the virus into the emu inputs for the rfx ect man it was great
i do say some software is necesery too
but most of these soft synths have no warmth 95 % are shit
ie iv never heard a nice software filter yet
not compaired to the virus and emu
things like cubase and some ni stuff are nice but most is bollucks
i vote 80 % hardware after many years of being told fibbs that software is the way to go <<<peeps dont want u to be as good as them so then tell u it was all done on software ( they never told u about the mixing desk ect lol ) and the samples came from hardware in 1st place ?
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i like both

Postby somsay » Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:22 pm

if you know what your doing like the british...
you can go all software!

I love my emu and logic audio 7 express on my g4!
i would got all emu but theres no wave plugins to plump up my sound and compress what i need with busses...

and i hate when i am missin some sound or patches in my presets on the emu!

sometimes i load the same song again and something is not working.
Scsi sucks!

Cant wait for the ZoeOS for mac os X!

thats what we all need!

but yeah allot of people talk!

I have been saying im a breakbeat producer for years and no reall good song to put out yet...
but that was untill last year when i got this emu and this year with logic 7 and mac ox panther!

Now i think im not a toy.
my pc and acid days a few years ago...i was a toy!!!--i spent a long time deleting what is shit and what samples im really gonna use! and all those old shitty songs i made in acid...what was I thinking! its true i didnt have the money and knowlege to start somewhere.

takes time man...
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Postby misanthrop » Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:51 pm

seems to me a teenage problem ;-)
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Postby Johnny Digital » Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:08 pm

the old hardware vs software...

when i started it was with fast tracker II, then acid, and other progs

it all sucked... some "almost nice" tracks but never anything worth showing

being 100% wrong i bought a mc 505 wich is a great machine but not what i needed...

time did go on... maybe... 4/5 years... really can't remember

today 2 synths and my emu and mostly i use frutty/cubase with v-station/albino/waves and just discovered vanguard

i did never got all the money to complete my hardware studio...

however sometimes i miss the power of my hard synths... but i can always sample them...

just a though

Johnny Digital
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Postby aeser » Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:43 pm

both have their strengths and weaknesses, sequencing on a computer program is much easier and more flexible to me, and doing everything native to a computer (sequencing/sampling/synthing/recording/editing/effecting/etc) is MUCH easier and more convinient on a native system than with hardware, not to mention ridiculously cheaper (even if you actually pay for the apps like i do) however the sound quality, while good for SOME things in software (i.e. ultra clean sounds, and "what you hear is what you get") isn't quite "there" for me yet. my e4xt sounds fatter and warmer than anything i've heard out of a software instrument yet. reaktor and moog modular V and maxmsp and kontakt, while all awesome in their own right, just can't touch the bass my e4xt produces. they tend not to be able to hang with that "bursting out of your speakers" sound. they sound very contained. but you can do sick sick sick things with them, and to me right now the ultimate setup i am almost "there" with would be:

1: software DAW program (in my case digital performer on a mac)
2: hardware emu sampler (e4xt)
3: mac running reaktor, kontakt, maxmsp, moog modular v, peak outputting to a motu 2408 to my soundcraft ghost
4: pc running reaktor, kontakt, emulator x (with 1820m), pure data, buzz, outputting through the 1820m to the ghost console
5: analog synth (probably getting an old minimoog for bass sounds and fat warm pads, and my drummer is building me a tube modular analog synth)
6: good mutli effects unit (i plan to get a kurzweil ksp8 and some guitar effects pedals)
7: my iz RADAR 24 track to record it all to

gives the best of all worlds, hardware and software, digital and analog.
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Postby aeser » Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:47 pm

but again in terms of "legitimacy" of an artist based on what tools they're using this reflects badly on anyone making the comparrison. i don't give a fuck, beethoven on fruity loops or reason is still beethoven and would still smoke all our asses, it is the artist, not the tools they use. the end product is all that matters, and composition and inspiration can infinately make up for a bit of lost "warmth" or "fatness".

i know people who use nothing but buzz (free windows app) whose tracks smoke mine and i spent a stupid ammount of money on my shit, can't buy talent.
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