why cant i pan?

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why cant i pan?

Postby blaze » Tue Jul 01, 2003 10:15 am

everything was fone one minute, then i find some of the settings(outputs) have changed and i cannot get the signal to pan to the left or right, will only come out of both outs on any of the channels.-cant understand why?........any ideas?
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^^^^^ edit that

Postby blaze » Tue Jul 01, 2003 10:40 am

i can pan on MAIN+SUB1 but i cant on SUB2+SUB3,only have 8mono outs so need the channels!......HEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPP!.........please
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Postby sampleandhold » Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:39 am

you know. i don't think i use my sampler like most of you. you all seem to want to us all these out puts, i only use two and seem to be fine...

what i would need to know is: are you running you signals through the sampler like a typical mixing set up, channel 1 being left and channel 2 being right? i guess i am having a hard time understanding what is going on. you are getting signal from all your out puts right?

maybe someone else understands better, i just don't know what is going on, they should pan, have you tried panning them internally, inside the sampler, using the sampler, and not a midi controller from a remote controller?

gosh i am out of ideas, hope this gives you some idea of what to do...
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I"ll try to explain.

Postby blaze » Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:43 pm

When itry to pan a signal-usin the sampler, in VOICE,GROUP EDIT > AMP/FILT page; i turn the jog wheel to pan the signal from -64 to +64 yet the signalmeter for these channels on my desk when solo'd shows the signal to be un affected....equal signal left and right comin from outputs SUB2 and SUB3.Also i try pan adjust whilst on masterpage, but to no avail -only works on MAIN and SUB1....see i want four mono signals fom these channels,pannin one noise to the left leaves me room for another noise on the right on the same channel, correct?
And you may suggest swapping noises from SUB1 to SUB3 say.....this is fine in theory,but still leaves me a channel short....what i need to is to solve why it may be happening.....hope this helps...
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Postby DS-1 » Sat Jul 05, 2003 2:17 am

This with all banks? or just the current one your using? Have you tried loading up other banks?
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat Jul 05, 2003 4:17 am

you know where the preset edit screen is right, were you have all the samples you have for that preset, and where you can adjust the placement of a sample and the tuning of it and all that, you pretty much just have to hit preset edit to get there. maybe try panning the voices there instead, perhaps the route you are going is being over ridden by the preset edit screen. and then in the multi mode window i would figure you would have to set your voices to the subs that you want... i suppose, maybe this is an idea. but try ds 1's idea too, see what happens and see if there is a setting that is different in the other settings.
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i'll try that now.

Postby blaze » Sat Jul 05, 2003 2:01 pm

yeah, other banks pan fine on these channels,
ALSO had trouble where a sample suddenly dint want to play properly anymore!
i set up a test loop of 1 bar(16beats) -just a note every 4 beats,normally it would just give me a simple beep....beep....beep....beep, but it was like beeeeeeepbip....beeep....beeeepbip....beeepbip., I MEAN TOTALLY WRONG!
even when i recreated from scratch this test it would do it on al channels usin all samples!!!!!! but, when i loaded an old preset(very similar) it was fine!!!!
Now...i didnt change any settings prior to this incident,and checked and double checked all master settings and all cords and stuff...it just happened!..anyway by replacing the corrupt preset with an old one it worked fine...honestly its done my head in and if i get anymore strange things happen-this emus gonna get a good buggerin to teach it who's boss :biglaugh: or get sent away,depends how i feel.
I'm wondering if anyone else has gremlins on a scale that i have,and did you send yours back?.....cos this is wasting valuable time..anyway cheers for any response....
p.s. still gonna have to work on the pan problemo.
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Postby DS-1 » Sat Jul 05, 2003 8:16 pm

Yea my emu used to pop occasionally, seemed to come from my bass presets, could NOT figure out what it was. So I just rebuilt the preset and it was good to go =)
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat Jul 05, 2003 11:19 pm

what are you saving on?... a zip, a hd? perhaps you have a bad sector or something... maybe it had a inherant problem with preset that you didn't notice before. is this a preset you made on your own? or is it from a cd or something?

the emu samplers we have are very special i think. if you read about the little thing i have found about zip drives, cd roms, and daisy chains you will think the same too. i know that when i look into my zip, sometimes files want show up if i scroll forward, but if i go backward it will show up :roll:

and i have a song now that makes loud lowend blasts every once in awhile as i play the it :shock: not to concered realy, they play find soloed, i guess it is just the way it is :grumble: i suppose if we looked hard enough we might get an idea of something that can cause these problems.

i wouldn't send your emu off, i mean it works fine with other presets right? so don't worry about it, perhaps it saved strangely, or there was a voltage drop when you saved it or something. i would if you can remake the preset, if it is yours from the begaining again and see if it does it again, and of course save it to a different file, keeping the "bad" one and then compare them, and when you are satisfied that the new one is sexxy, save over the "bad" one and see if it does it, if it does do the samething again, then you know that it is the media you are using to save the preset. and of course you would have kept the good one. and if it doesn't happen then it is just one strange little thing that made your life interesting :grin:

perhaps you need to reinstall your os? that might work, but i would do the other things first and see what happens.. but no, don't send it off untill it does it all the time and to everthing, and when you turn it on it plays yanni music. i don't think emu would actually be able to help anyway, because the problem is so inconsistant. you know what i mean... keep us posted. i hope it gets sorted.
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great reply dude.....

Postby blaze » Sun Jul 06, 2003 12:21 am

nothin like a good bit of advice to calm ones nerves.I think you may be right about the media saving thing,and as you suggested i'm already remaking the bank with the pan prob,strangely enuff i've just added a preset with a new sample to this bank,and it pans fine on the channels i need it to! so i'm an my way to happiness once again, just gonna put it down to 'one of those things' that happens every now and again.
Other than these niggles the emu is still an awesome machine that i actually love using more everyday.You never know i might even let people hear my tunes one day! :rolleyes:
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Postby sampleandhold » Sun Jul 06, 2003 3:02 am

yeah i understand what you mean. funny... as i get attached to my machines, like the emu and my cdj 1000's i discover all the little bugs in them and really if it is nothing major it makes them more personal.. i don't know maybe it is wierd. but i know alot of bugs that happen on my emu, and i know that certian cd's will not play properly on my cdj 500's, they stutter about three seconds into the song, unless a cue them way way back... i don't know. hopefully your problem is sorted and i hope things start working good for you again. i am especailly hopeful that your preset will work now..

sign me up for you choons man, i would love to hear them. i hope to get a few tracks open too.
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