Internal HD going down on e5000 Ultra....Help

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Internal HD going down on e5000 Ultra....Help

Postby Keety3weight » Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:21 pm


My internal HD is going down, it makes a weird clicking noise when you load or save. It works sometimes but is ready for the scrap heap. :cry:

Any one have experiance of transferring the data from my HD if i get it to work long enough onto a new HD. I really don't want to loose all my data.

My friend has an E64 Ultra, i was thinking put my new HD in his bird, format, via SCSI transfer my data onto new disk. Put disk back into my Emu?

Any other ideas, have a G4 mac & a PC, can you help?

Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:05 pm
Location: Essex, UK.

Sound as apound with legs on..

Postby Keety3weight » Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:33 pm


Nice one chubby. Never tried bulk backup, actually im very new to the whole black bird experiance.
I will take your wise words on board sir, any reccommendations for a nice emu friendly HD?

Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:05 pm
Location: Essex, UK.

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