Output Expander 6313 submix weirdness- help!

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Output Expander 6313 submix weirdness- help!

Postby nephilim » Thu Feb 23, 2006 2:04 am

So I have a e5000 Ultra that i recently put a 6313 output expander in (NOT the RFX one.)

All the wiring is correct so the outputs go in their own successive channels, but here's what's coming out:

Voice - MAIN
Main - MAIN
Sub1 - Channel 2
Sub2 - MAIN
Sub3 - MAIN
Sub4 - Channel 3
Sub5 - Channel 4
Sub6 - Channel 5
Sub7 - (not connected)

Why are Submixes 2 and 3 coming out of MAIN? Is it internal wiring, or a setting in the EOS, or somewhere outside the E-mu?

I have the outputs connected so that the main outs go directly into my E-mu 1212M soundcard analog ins, and the stock submix into channels 1 and 2 of a Behringer ADA8000. The 6313 output expander has Submixes 4, 5, and 6 going into channels 3-8 on the ADA8000. The optical out on the converter goes into the 1212M with a lightpipe.

My other theory is that since this is an e5000 and not a 6400 or higher, the output expander is expecting stock mainboard outs but since the 5000 is gimp-ified and only has 4 instead of 8 it just pushes the sound out the mains.

Is this true? Or can I sort it to get the outs in correct succession?

Thanks much - neph
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Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:40 am

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