I recently started to transfer samples from my PC to the Emu e6400 (EOS 4.6) via SCSI...I work/loop my Samples with Wavelab5 and send them into the memory of the emu.
Everything works fine, execpt when playing back the transfered samples on the emu I recognise digital clicks. Hard to describe, not very loud, like sharp clicking peaks.
Which makes the samples overall useless to use them in a song. The samples are p.e. *.wav files from a commercial sampling CD, so they should be ok?!
Did anyone has experienced the same problem.
Configuration is a WinXP PC with simple SCSI-Card (Adaptec) and 1,5m SCSI-Cable. Could it be a shielding problem with HF distortion on the cable ?
Some Opinions might be helpful. Thanks
Volker from Germany