Two E4K sequencer issues

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Two E4K sequencer issues

Postby gcoudert » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:44 pm

I'm still playing around with my recently acquired E4K's sequencer and I hope someone will be able to assist me. I use EOS v.3.00.

I have a bank of presets and two sequences:
- one imported MIDI file type 1 [tempo=140]
- one sequence created on the Emulator itself [tempo=102]

Problem 1:

Both sequences play the right sounds but not at the right tempo. If I change the tempo on one sequence, it is applied to the other sequence too! I suppose I ought to use a Tempo Track rather than the Screen Value setting but I don't know how to do that. Can you have one tempo track per sequence?

Problem 2:

The MIDI file sequence was created in Cubase VST 32 and contains tracks triggering three external MIDI devices (TX7, D550 and S1000). They play OK except for the MIDI volume settings in the sequence, which seem to be completely ignored when the sequence is played through the Emulator. Changing the MIDI volume of those external devices on the Multi page of the Emulator doesn't seem to have any effect either.

Can anybody help?


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Postby gcoudert » Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:23 pm

Update: problem 1 sorted (I think!)

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Postby Ole » Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:26 pm

I've never cared to look through the manual to find out how to use a tempo track:) Care to post it here?
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Postby gcoudert » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:26 pm

Well, actually, issue 1 isn't solved!

Seq Edit --> Page Right (to Initial Track State page) --> Tempo (F1)

This sets the initial tempo for the current sequence. This setting is overriden by the Screen Value setting. The problem is, whatever I do affects other sequences too!

The EOS4.pdf manual (page 146, that's page 158 in Acrobat reader) says "The tempo track and meter settings are saved with the song" and it also says (p.163) "so I am confused. I know I have EOS 3.00 but the function's there as well.

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Postby vermis_rex » Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:15 am

What do you have the "Tempo Cntrl" flag set to?

Seq Edit --> Setup --> Clock...
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Postby gcoudert » Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:28 pm

I tried both settings (Tempo Track and Screen Value), the same problem seems to occur whatever the setting. I must be doing something wrong.

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