Part numbers for frontpanel buttons?

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Part numbers for frontpanel buttons?

Postby rcl » Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:20 pm


The buttons on the front of my EMU 'stick'. I'm wondering if anyone has replaced them and if they know where I can find exact replacements. I haven't pulled my EMU apart to check on my own yet, but I figured someone here has.... and it'd be great if I only had to go through the mess of pulling it apart once (to do the work) instead of twice (to look at the parts, and then later to do the work)



(p.s. I'm in USA but p/n's for any UK site could be crossreferenced I'm sure)
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replace front panel buttons

Postby soulbrother » Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:36 pm


the buttons are ordinary on/off keys which have a notch to fit the button
in. You can use any key with same pinout and then try to glue the
button on it. It seems as if Digikey has such parts, but there
are more to name. (Ask them for a little 50 cent part (cheap) and
they may list them)

You may exchange the keys with the ones you use the less
or you take some keys with different size.

You have to be careful when unsolder the keys cause they stick
tight in the board so perhaps you ask a technician to assist you.

...there?s no other e-mu
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