proprietary file system

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proprietary file system

Postby shreddoggie » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:10 pm

I have been lurking here a bit reading about peoples issues while looking for an answer to mine.....


it seems that there are a lot of issues and questions regarding discs: mounting copying failure to recognise etc etc

E-MU have told me they have a proprietary file system that they won't share yet it seems that many of us simply need MORE information about our devices so we can get to work.

Is anyone interested in trying to get them to share this info? it seems rather silly to me since they seem to have ZERO products which use such a system - as far as stand alone synths/samplers etc you can't give em away on e-bay and E-MU seems to be in the business of selling $150 sound cards.

email me....its become a matter of principle. who are they protecting their file system from? their customers only it seems.

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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:39 am

seen this?

Postby shreddoggie » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:15 pm

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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:39 am

Postby vermis_rex » Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:58 pm

While in a perfect world appealing to E-mu would solve everything, in this world it will (almost completely) never happen. I suppose there's a tiny little chance, but I doubt it... and here's why:

E-mu are no longer run by kind hearted, enthusiastically creative people. Now they're owned by Creative Labs, and CL is run by business people. And for business people, it's all about how much it cost them to make. Somebody had to pay for the development time that went into it, so it is an asset of value to the company. Unless somebody is going to pay them that equivalent value (or more, depending on what they buyer is buying it for... if it's going to form the basis of another product, probably quite a bit more... if it's going to form the basis of a competing product, they probably wouldn't sell it at all... ever...)

The Internet has created an atmosphere of openness and free flow of ideas that we get used to thinking of intellectual property as a freely exchangeable thing... but the business people are still living out in the solid world, and for them it's all about the money.

This is why all the ideas tossed around here about getting the EOS into open source will never happen either. The EOS forms the basis for the current Emulator/Proteus X products, so there's no way in hell E-mu is ever going to let the source code out of the building. If the proprietary file system involves elements of the sample/preset/bank structure, then I doubt they'd let that go either.

Our only hope would be to get one or two individuals to approach E-mu with an offer for limited release under license of the specs/code. The license would probably have to be extremely restrictive, and spell out that the spec/code could only be used by those designated individuals, only for purposes of providing non-developmental support for legacy product users (non-developmental = can't add anything new to the code/spec, otherwise it becomes a competing derivative product). And there would probably be signatures and secret handshakes and diabolical pacts and such as well, just to make it really binding on the licensee.

Corporations feel no love for users of their past products, because they would really prefer that you buy their current/new products. Only craftsmen and artists feel for their fans.

Sorry to rain on the parade, but this is just the way things seem to work (well, that and I'm really pessimistic anyway)
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they suck

Postby shreddoggie » Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:33 pm

any reasonable person should understand that they have no motivation to release their secret and proprietary stuff wyich is the source of their revenue.


having ZERO options available to a longtime customer who spent thousands on this gear when it was new is ASSININE.

I did something which their manual says I can do and it corrupted my disc and their reply is "too bad you lost all you data" there could at least be an avenue for 'secret' rep[airs where we don't learn any of their precious secrets but we get our data which we worked so hard to create.

they suck
good for AKAI - I go MPC now.

if they still were in scotts valley I mi9ght be inclined to go by there with a 100 lb bag of manure.....

AND if I had the money/time/inclinatio I would break their code, give it away everywhere for free and make them spend $$$$ on attorneys trying to get blood from a stone.

I will NEVER buy an E-MU product again (as if they have anything a pro would use)
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