What's going on with my midi?

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

Moderators: ezman, stu, Ole

What's going on with my midi?

Postby crytek » Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:31 am

Ok, so I have a few presets loaded in my emu, and I want to use my sampler as a multi instrument. On on my sequencer the routing is as follows

Track 1> Program 1 > break a

Track 2 > Program 2 > break b


On the first track, break as is playing ( after being sliced and mapped ovbiously)

On the second track, -and here is the problem- I hit C-4 on the keyboard, and I hear the second kick, but as soon as I hit another note, say c#4, I hear the same hit from the first break. I back up and check my presets, and each break is mapped properly, except when I play them on my sequencer, I keep hearing the first hit of my new preset, and the other hits of the first preset.

Trying to figure this one out. Anyone care to share some insight.

Sequencers: Renoise 2... Logic Pro 7

Both does the same thing. I'm thinking is a setting in my emu ultra.
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