Presets not loading completely.

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Presets not loading completely.

Postby crytek » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:38 pm


I have three breaks I want to load in my emu. I load the presets fine.. Disk Browse> Break Folder > Break 1 > Break One preset, etc..

Now I have the break presets loaded. The first two breaks are loaded correctly, but in the third preset and above, the first two hits, (break and hat , or c-4 and c-4*) are omitted. It seems to do this. This is especially annoying when trying to build a nice drum sound when not all of the hits of the break loads.

any ideas?
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:17 am
Location: YOKOSUKA-Japan

Postby crytek » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:30 am

Think I'm close to figuring it out.

Here is a pic before explanation:


I'm using Sound Studio 3 as my audio editor. I pretty much do a bit of pre processing (just started doing this really) on my samples. Once done, I then set markers. So in this pick, you have a manzel break processed a bit and normalized, then I have my markers setup.

Well, I export those markers to a folder. Then I drag those split drum hits into c6 - the app where I transfer my samples from my mac to my emu- and export from there.

Now this happened when I would just use sound studio. And it only happened with the three breaks I've messed with there. Part of troubleshooting, I just loaded up the same manzel break without splitting the markers. Once transfer was complete, I just chopped up the break in my emu. After chopping up a few breaks, making presets, and saving them, everything comes up fine. I can hear all my hits after I load the presets and I'm jamming away again.

I'm thinking that it's either have something to do with me splitting the audio into separate files, or if it's something I'm doing in the emu - i.e. clearing the banks before I import a new sound-. So I have to rule out one or the other.

Getting a bit closer to solving this mystery.

I need to hit you up on aim again mate, need to pick your brain again lol.

but yeah, still a wip.
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:17 am
Location: YOKOSUKA-Japan

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