EMU 1820M HELP for guitar thru the wav

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EMU 1820M HELP for guitar thru the wav

Postby TERRYFINK » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:34 pm

I' fully admit i'm a noob but i have had the 1820m setup for around 6months..
I have configured ways on my dsp patchmix to:

1. Use My guitar through the Emu to Adobe Audition - works fine
2. A different setup for listening to music via media player, youtube etc..again works great

My problem is now i'm wanting to use Youtube's record a vid using your webcam..
My Camera shows up but i cannot get the guitar to follow suit and it continuesly trys to find the mic, which it doesnt...this is using my setup No 1 mentioned above

If i play an Mp3 using my 2nd setup mentioned above youtube finds it...but thats no use..

so what i basically want is my Guitar going through the Wave Channel on patch mix..
I am truly lost and i'm growing more impatient by the hour.. I'm sorry for the lack of terminology but i'm used to real mixers with wires with typical ins and outs...

any help would be really appreciated...

p.s the only out on the break out box is Headphones.. i dont have any monitoring speakers plugged in, but surely this shouldnt matter...
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