CF Card reader problem (hangs on save)

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CF Card reader problem (hangs on save)

Postby elementalbeats » Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:23 am

[Reposted from another thread]

I have had a problem with my CF-card reader from SCSIforSAMPLERS ..

I am using EOS 4.70
I can transfer and load files from my computer no problem.. but I cannot save - every time it gets stuck when I try and save, it just hangs. I was gonna try another SCSI cable, could it also be a problem with EOS 4.70?

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Re: CF Card reader problem (hangs on save)

Postby Myra » Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:28 pm

Did you format it in the EMU? I used to have the same problem. Is your computer a Mac? The Mac puts a lot of crap files on the CF card - this may cause problems.
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Re: CF Card reader problem (hangs on save)

Postby MFPhouse » Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:19 am

Try also Longer or/and shorter Cables.
Less the Terminator.
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Re: CF Card reader problem (hangs on save)

Postby elementalbeats » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:04 pm

Thanks for the replies - I tried formatting the CF card in the Emu (cant remember where it was formatted before) and it then seemed to work fine - I managed to save a preset!!

However, since then, its gone back to the old behaviour - hanging when I try and save something.

I can try a shorter SCSI lead but any other suggestions most welcome.

Thank you!!
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Re: CF Card reader problem (hangs on save)

Postby kalide » Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:55 am

Sounds like termination or ID conflict issues to me. Cables can be a problem too.

SCSI is the most painful thing to get right - took me about 24 hours of slaving to make my CF card reader work in the E4 a few years back now - for some reason having an internal drive without termination and termination on the card reader would make it fail like you described - no matter what I did. I consider myself a SCSI "expert" form way back yet its still never easy. It would work well on its own - as the only device. I had to also make sure the right jumpers were set on the card reader - can't recall exactly but there were options for async/sync I recall i needed to adjust to async.


Termination - make the simplest setup you can. Terminate both ends. Make sure your not terminating in the physical middle. Lots of data out there.
ID"s - ensure no conflict
Make sure the sampler is ignoring any other host IDs
If using EOS 4.7beta do NOT have your PC/MAC drive on the scsi chain and the sampler and its peripherals...two masters = corruption and loss, in a bad way.

try cables if all else fails. SCSI cables have a ton of connections. It takes 1 earth line to break the whole thing in an infuriatingly intermittent manner.

shorter cables are better but old cables are likely to be suspect.

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