Reading E4X / e5000 in a PC

I have a couple of E5000 and an E4 XT samplers
I have banks set up but I need to transfer them (banks, presets, samples) into a format such as soundfont or gigastudio and be able to play them on my laptop through a ST host such as Cubase.
I have a scsi zip 100 which I have backed everything to and I have ordered a USB zip 100.
Hopefully I should be able to connect the usb zip 100 to my pc, insert the zip disks from the scsi zip 100 into it and see them on my pc
Then I understand that CDXtract software can see this (like any windows software through the list of available drives) and can convert the banks into any format going... Soundfont/Kontact/gigastudio....
I don't know if this works yet (eg USB zip reading scsi zip files as it isn't here and I know nothing about file formats.)
What does worry me us my DVD/cd drive cannot read my emu library disks...
Like I say I don't understand about file formats.... Can anybody help? I want to be able to keep my e4's and transfer what I like to a vst based solution as and when...
I have banks set up but I need to transfer them (banks, presets, samples) into a format such as soundfont or gigastudio and be able to play them on my laptop through a ST host such as Cubase.
I have a scsi zip 100 which I have backed everything to and I have ordered a USB zip 100.
Hopefully I should be able to connect the usb zip 100 to my pc, insert the zip disks from the scsi zip 100 into it and see them on my pc
Then I understand that CDXtract software can see this (like any windows software through the list of available drives) and can convert the banks into any format going... Soundfont/Kontact/gigastudio....
I don't know if this works yet (eg USB zip reading scsi zip files as it isn't here and I know nothing about file formats.)
What does worry me us my DVD/cd drive cannot read my emu library disks...
Like I say I don't understand about file formats.... Can anybody help? I want to be able to keep my e4's and transfer what I like to a vst based solution as and when...