Pops/clicks with ADAT connection

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Pops/clicks with ADAT connection

Postby speak_onion » Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:08 pm

I have an E4 Platinum that I recently connected to my MOTU 828mk2 interface via ADAT cables. I'm getting some very quiet (but noticeable) clicks/pops along with the incoming audio. The pops/clicks are not present on the analog outputs. Is this a problem with the digital audio sync? If so, how can I correct it? I've never used the adat outputs on the E4 before, nor have I used the ADAT inputs on the 828 before. Any tips are greatly appreciated.
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Re: Pops/clicks with ADAT connection

Postby MFPhouse » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:23 am

...can be a digital Sync Problem.

If you connect your E-MU via Adat , you have to made your sync Settings in the Sytem Menu.
DonĀ“t forget also to Plug the Adat "In" from the Emu with a PipeCable.( if your choice is the Adat as Sync ref )
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