E6400 with USB hd?

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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E6400 with USB hd?

Postby vcs3 » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:55 pm

There is a auction in eBay where the seller claim that
is E6400 Ultra as a USB hard disk removable, link;http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320721715961&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
How can we do that?
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Re: E6400 with USB hd?

Postby qwertz123 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:42 pm

Hello !
I have seen here some modifications in so far as to put an IDE-CF card reader into this sampler.
As far as I know I did never see anyone with an internal USB-harddisk option that really worked.
In my case even an simple IDE/CF adapter did not work the simple way, it was not recognised, I too have an Emu 5000 ultra sampler with EOS 4.7.
I had to use an expensive internal acard scsi/ide converter with an IDE/CF card reader, this combination worked finally.

I strongly doubt that this modification shown here works reliably, it probably might work if you only READ the sample data from such an harddisk.
But in case of writing edited sample data to such a drive - my experiences were in the past that it just would prove faulty sooner or later, sometimes data was
written without any errors, but when trying to load this bank some samples were missing etc.

The auction shows that the sampler comes with a really impressive large sample collection.
If this sampler comes without the original CD-Roms containing these sounds, I have to inform that using the samples for a professional production might not be legal then.

Hope it helps , Volker
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:58 pm

Re: E6400 with USB hd?

Postby vcs3 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:12 pm

Hi Volker,
your post was very instructive :-)
personally I think it will be difficult to make such a thing.

Thanks a lot.
Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:21 pm
Location: Lusitania

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