Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

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Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby quested208 » Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:31 pm

hi !

i ´am german….so….sorry for my english ! :-)

i ´am a owner of 3 ultra samplers. one of them died after the original power supply´s gone !
motherboard error ! to preserve my other 2 emus, i decided to replace the PS, the old fans and the loud internal 3,5" ide drive.



the power supply - PS

the old original PS 43 watt:

the +5VDC rail
500mA - 6.00A
+12VDC rail
300mA - 3.60A
and the -12VDC rail
100mA - 0.50A

i found a proper power supply. for german user….shop conrad ! Best.-Nr.: 510406 - 76

typ: Sunpower-SPS-060P-T2-60W

specifications: PIC 1+2

the original PS was mounted with screws from inside the emu - PIC 11 - to remove the old shielding plate, loose the screw beside the rear-fan and push the part to the display side, there´s a nose on it….you will see ! this part is needless, cause the new PS is cased.

to assembly the new PS, my way ! ….you need a l-shape profile with the matching 4 holes PIC 3+4
including 4 - m3 - threads to mount the l-shape-alu in the emu…from the outside of the emu-frame. PIC 5
another 3 holes holds the new PS on it´s place ! that was the mechanical part !

i love cool equipment ! ….so i ad a very quiet Noiseblocker BlackSilent Fan XR1 - 60mm to the PS - PIC 9+10
open the casing of the PS an mount the fan with the included rubber-parts ! it´s easy….cut the plug away and clamp it directliy to the +12V and ground of the PS……the thin black and red wires on the photo ! power supply´s working cool and noiseless !

you can see the pin configuration arround the power-plug area on the emu-board - PIC 6 - ask the manual of your new PS for the correct pin-out !!
truncate the wires with the original power-plug short after the old PS….and ad it CORRECTLY to the new PS. as a guide for the sunpower PS…. you can see the coloured wires and the matching places on the terminal board ! PIC 7

after this step we need a ground-cable ! see PIC 8

for the ac-input crop the plug with the number 1 - PIC 11+12 - short after the plug and mount it…see the photos…. to the powersupply.
PIC 17

the rear fan

MY option:

a scythe mini kaze ultra 40mm fan SY124020L - high static pressure

quiet and not expensive !

the original emu-fan-plug is a 4 pin. this fan has a 3 pin connector…..so cut one edge/nose away see - PIC 14 !

the 2,5" ide notebook disk

you need a plane alu-sheet as a 3,5" to 2,5" mechanical adapter…..see the PIC 15+16 and a electronic 3,5" to 2,5" adapter. PLEASE FORMAT the disk in FAT !!
i decided to format it the first time as an emu-disk. i loaded my 18 GB data from an external 73 GB emu-scsi HD back to the 40 MB internal HD. after 4 hours !! the sampler said: volume maxed out !! :-)
after reformat in fat the whole date needs only 12 GB ! so….if you own a lot off samples ? you need 4.7 !

the 40 GB drive rotates with 4200 rpm and is noiseless !! the speed…..no difference to the old 3,5" ide or the highspeed scsi hd, cause the slowest part is the emu !

the only limitation of the new 2,5" hd….when you turn on the emu, the unit´s searching for connected devices. push the drive button….no internal hd´s found !
go to the mount-menu….searching for devices…..and the disk is usable and working flawless !

i don´t know why ?! but i don´t care….

so i wait after power-on 20 sec. and then mount the disk per hand ! that´s it !

be careful ! current can hurt you and your emu ! check everything twice…and again ! :-)

…..at your own risk !




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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby override » Thu May 03, 2012 12:51 am

great work! thanks for posting this :thumbs:
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby Ommatidium » Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:15 pm

This is a great find! And nicely documented, too. ;)

The 43 watt PSUs seem to be the source of various horror stories, so I think I'm going to have a go at this mod.

On a side note: Cheers to JAHFUNK for his Mary Poppins-esque clean up of this forum. :grin:
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby Solitaire » Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:40 pm

U P D A T E !

hi !

i solved the....

the only limitation of the new 2,5" hd….when you turn on the emu, the unit´s searching for connected devices. push the drive button….no internal hd´s found !

problem !

use a normal 44 to 40 pin ide adapter - picture !!!

and the start up problem issue is over !!

IDE-Adapter.jpg (90.63 KiB) Viewed 2180 times
Solitaire / quested208
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby Solitaire » Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:44 pm

U P D A T E !

44 to 40 pin ide adapter - pictures !!!

Fujitsu MHW2040AT
40 GB
4200 RPM

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EMU-HD2.jpg (268.17 KiB) Viewed 2080 times
EMU-HD1.jpg (341.89 KiB) Viewed 2087 times
Solitaire / quested208
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby JAHFUNK » Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:14 am

Ommatidium wrote:This is a great find! And nicely documented, too. ;)

The 43 watt PSUs seem to be the source of various horror stories, so I think I'm going to have a go at this mod.

Did you or anyone else try this mod?
I'm interested in having a go.
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby JAHFUNK » Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:38 am

Well the time has come!
My PSU is really struggling and this info is just what I needed.
Thanks for well documented step by step instructions, pictures and the shopping list, this is so helpful.

I have ordered the Sunpower-SPS-060P-T2-60W and the fan in readiness to perform the surgery.
It is currently for sale on eBay from the same supplier that you used.

SunPower SPS 060P-T2 60W Enclosed Power Supply 5V 7A SCREW TERMINALS
Price:£47.40 & P&P £3.95

LINK. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190797619814?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649


Noiseblocker Fan 60x60x25mm NB-BlacksilentFan XR1+Slics 1600 RPM
Price:£5.88 & P&P £3.30

LINK. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261151322269?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649


NEW! Scythe Mini Kaze Ultra Quiet PC Case Cooling Fan 40mm x 20mm
Price:£7.75 delivered

LINK. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310630283975?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649



Could you tell me if the power supply will fit straight into the emu without the L shaped alu plate?
Is this used to adapt the emu and PSU so the screws line up or is it acting like a heat sink?
Thanks Mark
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby Ommatidium » Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:37 am

Hey Mark,

I fitted one of these a few months back. Unfortunately, Quested208's bracket is an adapter rather than a heatsink. As I remember, all of the PSU's threaded mounting holes are on the narrow edge rather than the backplate/bottom. Here's a line drawing showing how they're positioned (from a PDF on Conrad's site):


In light of that, I followed Quested208's L-bracket method because I couldn't see an easier way of doing it. It may be possible to drill/modify the Sunpower chassis to mount it directly onto the E-mu, but you'd want to be sure there is enough clearance beneath the PCB.
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby JAHFUNK » Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:29 pm

Thanks for answering the question and the diagram, its very helpful.
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby Ommatidium » Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:17 am

Hey Mark,

Just looked at the PDFs and saw that there are a couple of M3 holes on the back, so I'm clearly wrong about them being on one side. I never saw the mounting instructions until now... D'oh!
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:56 am

Reading the info it seems that this modification uses 2 fans.

1. Noiseblocker BlackSilent Fan XR1 - mounted to the PSU
2. Scythe Mini Kaze Ultra Quiet Fan - replacing the original E-MU fan

Is this correct?
Will the extra demand of 2 fans cause any stress on the PSU over time if my sampler is maxed out with all options
RFX - ADAT - IDE drive, ect ?
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby Ommatidium » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:55 am

The majority of the E-mu's power draw (for the motherboard, RFX, options, etc.) will most likely come from the 5v rail, so I suspect you could actually power quite a few fans with the 12v rail. With regard to the hard drive... As far as I know, most 2.5" drives are 5v only so it shouldn't burden the 12v rail.

Anyhow, to be a bit more precise about it:

Mini Kaze - 0.07A
Noiseblocker - 0.24A

The PSU can apparently supply 3.5 amps on the 12v rail, so the 2 fans are only drawing <10% or so of the maximum. There may well be some other bits powered by 12v (the display, perhaps?), but I don't think running 2 fans will cause any problems.

You could always hook up a multimeter to the 5v and 12v rails to find out how many amps the E-mu is drawing on each (the -12v current draw should be negligible). I measured the voltage from the PSU without any load just to make sure they were in the right ballpark before I hooked up the E-mu, but I didn't bother to measure the amps under load.
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:19 pm

Thanks for your detailed reply
I'm reassured enough to go ahead now
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Re: Ultra Power Supply Replacement - 2,5" internal HD - Tutorial

Postby mosrob » Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:31 pm

Here are some compatible PSUs from the Conrad-Store:
SunPower SPS 060P-T2: ..... 60W with 5V/7A, +12V/3.5A, -12V/1A
TracoPower TXL 060-0522TI: 60W with 5V/7A, +12V/3.5A, -12V/1A

or with 100W:
SunPower SPS 100P-T2: ..... 100W with 5V/12A, +12V/5A, -12V/1.5A
TracoPower TXL 100-0522TI: 100W with 5V/12A, +12V/5A, -12V/1.5A

The outer dimensions of the 60W models are 160x95x38 mm while the 100W dimensions are 198x95x38 mm.
All of the above mentioned models have a Power Factor Correction (PFC).
The models from SunPower without the "P" in the model-name ("060-T2" instead of "060P-T2") don't have PFC.

If you choose one of the 100W PSUs then you will have more "headroom" on all three power rails.
By the way: The OpAmps of the D/A-Section are powered by +12V and -12V.
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