Loading Emu Sound Library presets from CF card

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Loading Emu Sound Library presets from CF card

Postby ra coon » Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:47 pm

I've just attached a CF Mod to my Ultra . I did this hoping I could put in some of the Presets from the Emu Sound Library CD Rom Collection. I used Chicken Systems to convert them onto the CF card , stuck the CF card into my new modified drive and ---- IT TAKES AN HOUR TO LOAD 1 preset ?????.------ Normal wav. samples transfer quickly though. Any thoughts ?
ra coon
Posts: 80
Joined: Thu Nov 27, 2003 6:40 am

Re: Loading Emu Sound Library presets from CF card

Postby mosrob » Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:53 am

The CF-card has been formatted with FAT32 or EMU-FS?
The EMU CD-ROMs are in EMU EIII-format...
I guess you don't have a SCSI CD-ROM drive else you would just need to use the backup function of EOS to copy the EIII-banks of the library to the CF-card.

Your issue seems to be related to the "conversion" of the Chicken Systems tool.
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Re: Loading Emu Sound Library presets from CF card

Postby ra coon » Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:30 pm

It's formatted FAT32 , what do you mean 'use the backup function of EOS'
ra coon
Posts: 80
Joined: Thu Nov 27, 2003 6:40 am

Re: Loading Emu Sound Library presets from CF card

Postby mosrob » Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:27 pm

Switch your SCSI-devices on. Switch your E4 on and wait until the system is ready to use.
Press the button "Disk/Browse".
Select the CD-ROM drive.
Press F1 for "Utils".
Press F5 for "Backup".
Confirm "Erases current Bank in RAM, continue?" by pressing F6 "OK".
At "Backup to" select your CF cardreader.
At "Type" choose between "all", "incremental" and "range".
Select at "Destination folder/Bank numbers" the option "use empty" so that the current content of your CF card is not deleted.
Press F6 "OK" to start the backup operation.
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