An error occurred in this Esi-32, please P. off and Restart

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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An error occurred in this Esi-32, please P. off and Restart

Postby vitosky » Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:09 pm

Hello Friends i have this problem with my Esi-32, when i power on the sampler is giving me an error, where the sampler says: "An error occurred in this ESI-32. Please power off and restart..." what can 'be happened? not really used it for a month, but before this problem gave no error

Thanks in advance for help if possible
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Joined: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:51 pm

Re: An error occurred in this Esi-32, please P. off and Restart

Postby mosrob » Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:03 pm

This error message is improper.

Check the power supply with a multimeter if the supplied voltage is correct.
Although I don't have any technical documents about the ESi-32 there have to be voltages that are close to -5V, +5V, -12V, +12V or even maybe -15V and +15V.
Check the power supply if you see a electrolytic capacitor that has a bulge on top of it or even a liquid coming out of it. If so, this capacitor has to be replaced.

Other possible source or errors might be RAM expansions.

If you have a second ESi-32 available nearby you can check components of your ESi-32 by replacing them with the same components from a second ESi-32.

Good luck.
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Re: An error occurred in this Esi-32, please P. off and Restart

Postby emulgator » Sun Dec 01, 2013 6:39 pm

This is a fatal error, I also think could be related to the PSU, the ESI has 5 and 12V + and- not the 15v.
good luck
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