SCSI/Ground hum/Computer whine.

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SCSI/Ground hum/Computer whine.

Postby thekrispdj » Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:51 am

So previously I had this hellacious ground hum. I got the little grey ground caps for all my plugs on every peice of equipment in my studio and it went away.

Until recently.

It returned and I couldnt figure out what it was. I instaled a hard drive in my sampler today and I disconected everything. When i disconected the SCSI cable, the whine/ground hum disapperared. So its comming fromt he computer somehow, possibly the sampler.

Anyone know a fix for this? Maybe one of those hum eliminators?

It gets really bad when I bring the sampler levels up on the mixing desk.
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:51 pm

Postby sampleandhold » Sat Mar 20, 2004 4:47 am

i actually had the same kind of problem. for a long time if i wanted to sample something, i had to have my computer turned off because if i didn't, i would get a really loud hum. I thought it was the monitor. so i tried putting that on a different circuit. but that didn't work.

what i ended up doing was making sure that all my gear was NOT grounded. i went out and purchased this adaptors that turn three prong in to two prong plugs and put those on all my power strips. the hum went away.

i would try ungrounded everything and see what you get. i also had issues with the monitors i bought for my tv. when they were grounded they hummed, once they were ungrounded, the humm had gone away. strange..

hope this helps.

i would hate to see you get a hum eliminator, money that could be saved for something else. you could always notch your tracks at 60hz or were ever the ac cycle resides at...
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Postby thekrispdj » Sat Mar 20, 2004 7:07 pm

what i ended up doing was making sure that all my gear was NOT grounded. i went out and purchased this adaptors that turn three prong in to two prong plugs and put those on all my power strips. the hum went away.

Ive already done that. I did however, change the input on my mixer. I have a behringer and it has 4 stereo ins and 8 mono. I had the sampler mains going through 2 mono ins and changed it to a stereo in.

The noise isnt as persistent, its still there, but it is at a tolerable level if I turn the computer down.

Im going to get new cables and see if that helps as well. I found some hum eliminators on ebay for about $25 a piece so thats not too bad.

Heres the deal though, the whine/hum only appears when the SCSI cable is connected between the computer and sampler.
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Postby wigworld » Sun Mar 21, 2004 12:56 am

It'll be because your sampler and computer are powered from different power outlets. Connect them both to the same power outlet (via some kind of extension cable), and that way they will have the same ground, and the hum should go.
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Postby thekrispdj » Sun Mar 21, 2004 2:22 am

wigworld wrote:It'll be because your sampler and computer are powered from different power outlets. Connect them both to the same power outlet (via some kind of extension cable), and that way they will have the same ground, and the hum should go.

Yeah. Did that too. The computer and sampler are both plugged into the same power strip with ungrounded plugs on each end and ungroudned plugs on the end of the power strip. *shrug*
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:51 pm

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