Samples sound muffled / LP filtered on random notes

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Samples sound muffled / LP filtered on random notes

Postby elemental » Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:52 pm

Just starting to get my teeth into the e6400 Ultra w/ RFX after moving and setting up my new studio....

I noticed last night working on a new beat that on random notes the sound comes out a bit muffled, hit the key again and it sounds bright and normal, its weird I tried to find a pattern for it but couldnt.
I wonder if the is an RFX bug? I've read people say that percussive noises can be affected by the random panning bug, since I'm only using a mono output at the moment - it might be that, I didnt test with stereo outs.

Hope someone can help, its actually quite a nice effect on certain drum sounds, gives it a more 'real' feel, but its not very welcome for other stuff...


:thumbs: A.
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Location: London

Postby IpreferHardware » Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:04 pm

I recently noticed the same thing on my E Synth Ultra. I dont have RFX 32 installed, but I get strange random LP filtering on percussive hits. It's subtle, but if you listen for it it's obvious. I noticed that opening up the same percussion sample in sample manage and auditioning it doesn't cause this to happen. It's only when the sample is being played as part of a voice. I also noticed that if I change the filter on the voice to High pass, for example, you can still hear the random filtering.

Has anyone else noticed this? It seems like it must be a glitch in the software somewhere. Or could I be using bad RAM or something?
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Postby altus » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:30 pm

I think that's because by default filter cutoff frequency is linked to velocity, so the harder you hit the key, the higher the when you hit the keys softly you get the filtering. Check yer cords!
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