is this my imagination?

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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is this my imagination?

Postby sampleandhold » Thu May 08, 2003 2:11 am

this really isn't a problem... i guess, but it really doesn't fit with the knowledge bit... so...

is it my imagination or does the emu sampler seem to compress your song as you play it.. what i mean is, say if i am playing a song i am working on it seems that a certian points it gets really loud and then fades out kind of like how a compressor would if you have the the threshold too low or something.

for example on this song that i am working on, i have every thing mixed down well, and then all the sudden in the start of phase three, i find that the bass track gets louder. do you guys ever experiance this kind of thing?

perhaps it is the whole constructive and destructive interverance thing going on or something. oh and i played around with the head room, the higher the head room the lower the out put... what ever that means.

just curious if guys have experianced this kind of thing too.

i guys in the end it doesn't matter because all the sequence tracks are going into the computer... just curious.

Posts: 581
Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:38 am

Postby automatikal » Thu May 08, 2003 3:15 am

ive expirienced exactly what your talking about so I recorded a really simple 808 kit at around 85bpm into protools with no modulation or parameter changes whatsoever. I found that not all the hits were identical and there were slight variations in the volume of certain hits. The kit was just a kick, snare, and hat so i imagine that the more audio you have running through your emu the more these slight variations become obvious. This problem has frustrated me scince ive had the 6400 and if i could get through a mix on the platinum without blowing my speakers (see unexplained volume bursts) i could figure out if it does it as well.

sorry for the rant, i love the emu as much as you can love a piece of hardware. just had a rough couple days.
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Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 7:54 am

Postby sampleandhold » Fri May 09, 2003 12:35 am

good, at least i am not the only one.

i understand you have had a bad day, and the rant is alright, i hope things go better for you soon... keep up on it.
Posts: 581
Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:38 am

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