embarrising one !! yes i disconnected the scsi while powered

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embarrising one !! yes i disconnected the scsi while powered

Postby M8SE » Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:46 am

:sad: (kitl list....E64 v.3.0b , iomega JAZ 1GB , pc scsi card)

please dont ask why or how - just smile and please tell me what to do next....

everytime i try to mount , boot up or try to get the scsi to work the drive number search starts at ID 7 , which is (as im sure you know) is the last drive in the list (ID 0-7), and of course it does not find anything , even if i set my JAZ 1gb TO id 7 still nothing.

Oh you think thats bad enough check this......

now , i thought first thing that could rectify this problem is aclean install of the operating system (v.3.00b which was on it when i got it) i downloaded it and ran the img burner prog thingy and made me a floppy , but would the e64 accept it no, it did erase the existing flash and attempt to write the new o.s. but after it finished it said "csum failed" then goes to the start of the process to try updating flash again, so i did , again and again, so i downloaded another copy of the same o.s. and tried again , nothing so then i tried the older o.s. 2.8 and the same thing....

i have only had this e64 for a month and already successfully converted it into the grooviest of doorstops (clever eh!!!!)

I HEARD THAT YOU CAN GET REPLACEMENT MOTHERBOARDS , BUT THIS WAS ON A POST FROM 1998??? can i get a new motherboard to fix the scsi issue? or even an upgraded one (ultra board maybe) .

any reply welcome ... unless it just contains "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"
oh .... not again !!!!
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Postby sampleandhold » Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:57 am

I don't think this is funny. The post is amusing but the subject matter isn't. I did something one time... Oh I remember. I pluged in my cdrom after turning everything on once... and I lost my zip drive. I mean it couldn't find it. Even when I turned it off, it still couldn't find it. So I unplugged the zip from the powerstrip and it still couldn't find it.

You know what saved it? This is so fing weird... I had to unplug the power supply form the zip drive. Oh yes, after that the emu found the zip again. I replicated this two or three times to see if this is what had really happen and it wasn't a fluke, it worked each time the same way. Same issue, same result, same remedy. Seriously, it was that f'ed up. Bizarre.

I kind of wish you had stopped after you made the sampler not see the scsi id's. This may have been remedied by what I just talked about. I don't know though. As for you csum error thing, i have seen other people talk about this too. I guess they got it sorted or something as they haven't posted back... Kind of wish they would as their experiance could be valuable when documented. But I am sure someone on here will have an idea to fix it. I don't think there is any damage to the mother board. I think this is strickly software.

I rebuilt my computer to accomidate Cubase. I plan on doing another one for the X... that hardest thing to do was to get that damn hard drive to load the freaking os on. So I think you might be okay. It might be tuff, but you might get it. If you don't get much answers here, call emu, they might help, at least should for pr any way or check out any other forums you can come across.

Good luck.

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Postby pieuvre » Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:35 am

normally you have a scsi fuse that burns before anything else if you do a wrong stuff with scsi .So you should check that .
For the eos failure , did you try to boot with the most basic eos you can find ?
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Postby M8SE » Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:54 pm

thanks both for your remarks.....

i havnt yet unplugged the jaz drive from the mains supply, i cant wait to try it now i have , but as you know i got to get the O.S sorted - and i am quietly releived to know that its either software / or fuse related , i did see the mention of scsi fuse on the motherboard , so i guess the fuse is on the underside of the board .

regarding the earliest O.s. i could find - 2.8 - and i have tried to search everywhere i know of for other earlier o.s.

well thanks again , and i will let the board know what happens when (not if ) i get this sorted.
oh .... not again !!!!
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Postby drayon » Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:45 pm

I posted a while ago about a checksum error. I think if u search for all my posts u will find it. I can't remember what the thread was entitled csum. IIRC i found a dimm to be faulty. My thread will reveal all the details. It is plausible your incident may have provoked damage to a dimm.

BTW ID 7 is the highest priority. This is usually the ID for the Host Controller card in a Mac and thus the EMU will allow this as a bus master. You PC SCSI card's ID should be Avoided in the EMU using the avoid host parameter. U should set your Jaz to another iD. Ideally you would have the EMU on ID 6 and anything else on the chain set to a lower ID. Try ID 2 or 3. If the EMU finds no disk it usually is because there are devices sharing the same ID. The physical location of a device on the chain does not represent order of priority either.
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Postby M8SE » Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:52 pm

THANKS drayon

i will try different ram - i thinks the esi 32 ram is the same - i will try that out my other sampler as i know thats working fine ...

as for ID 7 , i am aware of the mac on bus thingy (or pc in my case) the only reason i moved the jaz drive to id 7 (from 4) was because thats where the search list when mounting started and ended!! obviously i removed the PC from the bus before trying this..

i will let the board know what happens after this try too!!
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Postby M8SE » Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:57 am



(i might have given you the impression that the flash rom was dead straight after the scsi died, so i still think its me not loading the o.s., but i must have tried loading the o.s. 1000+times and found time to eat occaisionaly :)

well im pretty sure its the flash rom thats either confused or knackered as i think drayon , you were saying, i thought you meant the simms (sample memory, i tried replacement but, got the same error numbers) but im its the flash rom on the front right of the e64 motherboard , everytime i load the o.s. i get checksum error or if you like (csum failed)

Does anyone know where to get new or replacement Flash ROM ?
i did hear you can get bigger ones (2mb,4mb,8mb) and load 4.6 classic , on it ?? is this possible on my e64 non ultra????
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Postby M8SE » Tue Oct 12, 2004 3:13 am


well things are looking up......i came to terms with the fact that i need a new / replacement flash rom chip (dimm) and whilst im at it , i beleive i can get an upgrade to 4.6 classic o.s.

i heard there was an upgrade kit available including a 2mb flash rom kit?

well i couldnt find a kit anywhere, but i have managed to find someone selling a 16mb sound flash rom for an emu e64 that comes with a floppy saying 2.6 i thinkk it was , 2.x anyway .?

does anyone know if this will help me or just look good as it flies into the bin???

well its on ebay (item no. 3753630013) if you wanna look and tell me what you think! before i pay good money!! :shock:
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