Behringer BCR2000 - midi control mapping to E4K or EIV

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Behringer BCR2000 - midi control mapping to E4K or EIV

Postby groovebox » Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:14 am

Hi again,

Not sure where to post this!

Basically I have just brought a Behringer BCR2000 and I was kinda wondering whether it could be used to map to the controls of my EIV.

Obviously I will need to hook it to MIDI in/out - and I will have to assign some of the EMU CC's to the various controllers on the BCR2000.

Have had a look through the EMU manual and the Behringer manual and had a scan through these forums but nothing jumped out at me...

Am guessing it is something pretty simple...

Any comments or links to pages in the manual appreciated!

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Postby override » Wed May 23, 2007 6:23 am

i think i can help here.. i did the same thing for my evolution ec-33 controller.
the emu has a bunch of midi controllers that can be routed via patch chords to control the assigned paramaters.
heres the patch chords and their controller numbers
MIDI A ------ CC 21
MIDI B ------ CC 22
MIDI C ------ CC 23
MIDI D ------ CC 24
MIDI E ------ CC 25
MIDI F ------ CC 26
MIDI G ------ CC 27
MIDI H ------ CC 28
* i think those are the defaults.. but you can check your controllers confin in the sampler under master->midi->cntrls2
in your patch chords menu select MIDI A as the source, then (for example) FilterFreq as the destination. Set the amount to -100 (for a lo pass filter, or +100 for a hipass, but you'd have to set the filter cutoff appropriately to get the desired control)
ex. set the filter freq int eh amp/filt menu to the lowest it can go for a low pass, then assign the patchchord and set the amount to +100. that way, the CC amount sent from the midi controller will go from the low freq to teh high along with the CC messages from 0-127. (so the knob would be moved from left to right, to get the freq to go from lowest to highest.) if you have the filter set to the max in the amp/filt section and do amount -100 in the patchchords, iut will go from right to left, low to high, CC 127-0..
hope im not overcomplicating this!

anyway, jsut assign the patch chords using MIDI A(B,C,D,E,F,G,H) - DESIRED CONTOL PARAMATER - AMOUNT.. and assign the corrosponding CC on your controler to teh knob you want.
mess around with it and get the sliders/knobs to work the way you like with the patch chord amount.

should work just fine. ;)
(the manual doesnt really discuss this specific control.. but midi a-h is listed on page 351 of the eos 4.0 manual. as a littel side blub..but they dont actually say anything about it so its not worth looking up. i double behringer would have a preset mapped to it. so you're likely going to have to do it youself and save the preset in your controller. (if it supports that)
I figured it out because the proteus 2k has the same midi CC mapping for its front pannel knobs.. so if you have any other emu module with knobs on it, you can route the midi out from that module in your sequencer to control the midi in on the emu and all the knobs will be already mapped! kinda useful how they thought of that.... )anyway, have fun
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