Yamaha 02R Input/channel help needed

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Yamaha 02R Input/channel help needed

Postby Steve Willis » Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:39 pm


Ive just bought an 02R and it has 48 inputs plus another 8 analogues in an expansion slot round the back (fitted)

How do I assign any of the inputs that are not in the first 24 assigned to a channel so that I can hear them? (gone crazy with gear have way more than 24 outputs to use, want to use them all!!!!)

also, how do I assign channels to a group.

and yes, I do have the manual but I am being really thick...sorry!
If only hardware was still worth what I paid for it.
Steve Willis
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:14 pm
Location: Sussex, uk

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