I can't believe...

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I can't believe...

Postby nads » Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:36 am

anyone in the US would vote for Bush. Fuck, this is shaping up to be a fucking travesty of the highest magnitude.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:03 pm

Postby Silverman2 » Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:40 pm

well done America! :rolleyes:

came upon this from a uk messageboard:

bunch of gullible, gutless, terror-stricken, half-arsed, quarter-witted, passive-aggressive, God-bothering, TV-addicted, bullshit-swallowing dupes

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Location: UK

Postby nads » Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:25 pm

Yep...that's another 300,000 recruits for Osama. Bet he's in a cave somewhere right now rubbing his hands with glee.
Just don't mention the estimated 100,000 Iraqi casualties in the current US oil-grab to Bush...he might just feign some sort of pity as he draws up his road map to the Armageddon (and that's not the EP by Loxy and Ink)...
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Postby Silverman2 » Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:25 pm

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Location: UK

Postby nads » Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:50 am

Yeah who needs Emmanuel Goldstein...

"We are at war with Oceania. We have always been at war with Oceania."

A 1984 reference for those less erudite. Man, that book should be compulsory in US schools.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:03 pm

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