Would that be possible?

Everything on the first soft sampler from Emu.

Moderators: stu, Ole

Would that be possible?

Postby Pax » Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:28 pm

In Sonar3 when I insert EMU-X as an VST instrument after configuring it to use 4 buses and I let for instance 4 presets go out to all 4 different busses, I can see in Patchmix DSP the output go to 4 different strips.
This way I could mix using DSP.

I now work with CubaseSX and when I try to do the same All output goes to my main strip so I'd have to mix in Cubase. How can I configure the software to behave the same as Sonar does?

If the problem descibed above could be fixed, I would like to mix in DSP and then let the output go back to Cubase. Would that be possible?

Thanks for any help.

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