Triplet Synching LFO's.... How de Feuk do u do it???

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Triplet Synching LFO's.... How de Feuk do u do it???

Postby Jesta » Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:12 pm

ok... I've been trying to sync an LFO to like a 3/8 note value.. i know its possible to roughly get it with the rate and a calculator but this aint really good enough when your trying to make a really tight riff....

i know theres clock divisors of double whole-note, whole-note, half-note, 8th-note and quarter-note which sync fine when u set the right tempo.. so i thought, ok u can jsut set the tempo of the emu to roughly 3 quarters of what it is and get the result that way... not really very good for when u need normal notes tho!!

then i thought about cords and the lag processor... no luck...

is the only way to get these sorta time divisions to actually reprogram the fucking software in the sampler or something?? (no i dont know how to do that looool)
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Postby sampleandhold » Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:26 am

I would almost suggest just using a cc for your "LFO" and draw in the cc data the way you want it to go. A bit time consuming I know. But I have spent the past few days thinking about this and it is about the only way I can figure you could do it and then retain your normal notes as well. The emu doesn't have too good of tuning facilities for the LFO settings for some reason. I don't know why they made it that way. You have just preset values.

I suppose you could get the LFO to sync if you set up a cord that controls the rate and set the percentage until it works. But It may not work all that well. My experiances with the LFO on this unit indicates not very much flexablity. AT least nothing that comes easily anyway. I wanted to have a slowly speeding up LFO one time but I could never get it because the rate seemed to have only 3 settings. Slow, middle and fast. So I gave in.

I might play around with this idea and see if I can get the unit to sync. If the arpeggio has triplets that might work. But For some reason I don't think the arp on this thing is that indepth.

I will work on this a little and see what I can come up with.

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Postby Jesta » Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:02 am

yeah i tried the arp triplet settings and u could make that trigger the note on triplets but it had to have still a roughly set up lfo time to the midi timing is wack lol... looks like cc modulation is gonna be the only way to me :cry:
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Postby sampleandhold » Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:28 am

Yeah, I wish that I could have the lfo slowly speed up, and all my years with this thing I sure as hell couldn't figure out how to do it. Oh well. Some times there is limits to what you can do, but you can always draw those cc's in.

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Postby Omen » Mon May 23, 2005 4:42 pm

sampleandhold wrote:Yeah, I wish that I could have the lfo slowly speed up, and all my years with this thing I sure as hell couldn't figure out how to do it. Oh well. Some times there is limits to what you can do, but you can always draw those cc's in.


Hey samplehold,
U proberly tried it this way, but if not, u can do it!

Assign the lfoRt to a midi controler in the cords section with an amout of 9%. Of course u would have 2 manually speed it up your self, but its easy 2 find out what val would sync 2 your beat then just dial up 2 this value.

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Postby MFPhouse » Tue May 24, 2005 11:02 am

Perhaps you need a BPM Calculator this? ... 4/main.asp

I stopped to try out working with the LFO in Rhytem/Sync, It didn?t work.
The most Synt/Sampler has an Option to Sync the LFP with the MidiClock.
But in EMU The MidiClock " Triggered" just the LFO and this is something diffrent.

So the only Chance is to set the LFO Rate to the Temo by your Ears or this BPM Calculator - if you want , and hope....
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Postby igorclark » Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:09 am

Aha. I want to modulate the AmpVol using a square wave LFO sync'd to MIDI clock (should be simple, right?), so I've also set a cord to control LFO Trg by a Ck source. The manual's pretty vague, it just says that if the rate of the LFO is "near" to the clock rate then it will sync, which isn't that helpful as it basically means you have to sit there and adjust the LFO rate until you hear it sync. Even after doing that for half an hour I can't get it to sync perfectly. From what you guys are saying it seems that that - or trying to work it out with a calculator, which ultimately isn't much different - is the best I'll get using that method, am I right?

I tried just modulating AmpVol directly using the Ck source, but it doesn't seem to do what I want, using ?100% just seems to do not what I want slightly differently depending on the value. Should this work (manual seems to suggest it should) or is there something else I need to do?

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Postby e64_eli » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:09 pm

Unfortuantely there is no way to get the LFO's to _really_ synch to MIDI clock. There are a couple of ways to fake it:

Route a Clock divisor to LFOTrg. This makes the LFO retrigger at the rate of the clock divisor, but does nothing to make the LFO's rate match the MIDI clocks. What you have to do is set the LFO to a rate that is close to the rate of the MIDI clocks. For example: You want an LFO to sweep at a rate of one LFO cycle per 4/4 measure. The BPM is 120 (one measure every 2 seconds) set your LFO to .50 Hz (one cycle every two seconds) and assign CkWhl to LFOTrg with a positive amount. This makes the LFO retrigger every two seconds so the amount of drift between the two time bases (MIDI clocks and LFO rate) doesn't get out of hand.

Unfortunately, since the LFO's rate isn't being controlled by the MIDI clocks, if the tempo changes the LFO sweeps at the same rate but gets chopped up by being retrigged every measure (look at the diagram in the manual on the Clock Modulation page). Sometimes this is a very cool polyrhythmic effect, but if you were trying to get the LFO to slow down with a drop in tempo, it's not what you were looking for.

If you need the LFO to follow a changing tempo then your only recourse is to forego the LFOs and use the Clock divisors directly. They are square wave modulations, so if you needed a square wave LFO you're set!

Need a sine wave? You can route the clock through a Lag processor to get a psuedo sine wave (not really convincing since the lag time doesn't change with the tempo so if you slow things down it becomes really apparent that you're using a rounded out square wave.

Need a sawtooth wave? Try this: Assign CkWhl to your destination at 100%, CkHalf at 50%, CkQtr at 25%, Ck8th at 12% and Ck16th at 6%.
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Postby igorclark » Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:36 pm

Thank you very much e64_eli, I'll try that out!
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