Filter problem

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Filter problem

Postby ratty » Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:31 pm

I've been flitering a reece with the 6pole lpf and when I go down to say 160hz and below it's distorting badly and sounds pretty shitty. But when I do exactly the same with the logic eq on a 48db shelf or something similar it sounds smooth as. What's going on with this? For some reason I don't remember the 6 pole filter sounding this way, any ideas?

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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:22 pm
Location: Jannersville UK

Postby Silverman2 » Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:58 pm

Sounds like ur overloading the outputs.
Try upping the headroom in the output stage by a few db or just
turn down the volume in preset.

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Location: UK

Postby ratty » Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:26 pm

lol, sorted it now, somehow the output boost was on +12db, drunken tweaking looks to be the culprit. Just out of interest how do you guys have your headroom and output boost set?
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Location: Jannersville UK

Postby sampleandhold » Fri May 06, 2005 7:31 am

Aw. Home. Nice to see the board up.

I think my head room is at +12. I however don't have the issue you have.

Two things could also factor into the distortion. If you have alot of stereo samples playing at once, your polyphony drops and a side effect of this is that the filters become very unstable.

The second thing is. For some reason, the lpf actually boosts in volume in the range you are talking about. It's like they programmed q into the filter at that frequency band. I have issues recording loud drums that are being low passed because they have about a 6 or so db jump when the filter is almost closed. It had a natural Q.

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