Links in Presets {plz some1 explain}

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Links in Presets {plz some1 explain}

Postby AX-AT » Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:22 am

hey! im just not satisfied/fully understand with the manual?s explanation of Links in presets.

Can some one post some practical and/or useful examples about the benefits of linking velocities, panning, etc.

Supposing i control the emu filters with a midi keyboard knob, what is this linking useful for?

thanks, learn a lot here :spliff:

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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Postby Klaseed » Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:10 am

linking simply allows you to trigger more than one preset at the same time. This is useful for layering, obviously, but also can result in gigantic basses if you've got the voices to spare.

An example might be if you had a strings preset, and a noise/pad type preset that you wanted to layer. Instead of having to use two midi tracks in your sequencer, one for each preset, you can link the two presets, and simply trigger the first preset - the linked one will also trigger, and voila, you're layered :)

Did that answer your question correctly?
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Postby AX-AT » Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:52 am

nice example, thanks!

That was the main thing i tought it will do, i wonder now with velocity links, midi controls etc.

It might work some way as a "Xfade" by crossfading linked presets like if they be voices (or groups) ?

post some more

thanks!!! :slayer:
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Postby illinformed » Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:49 pm

'Midi Links' can turn your sampler into a powerful midi controller. It's an absolutely kick arse feature however they only implemented for Omni and Poly modes. If only they could have found a way of doing it for Multi :cry:
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Postby AX-AT » Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:02 pm

Even i get a lot of english, i think the manual of the Eos is very complicated, i mean, its nice to trow away the manual and star experimenting yourself but sametime its a shame to miss a lot a features and good things because you dont know how to do it !

this is why this forum is for :slayer:


ps. anyone using their emu with skaletracker?
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