Envelope Rels Realtime Bug - Feature ?

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Envelope Rels Realtime Bug - Feature ?

Postby MFPhouse » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:39 am

Last Time i had a Problem with the Envelope ( Filter ) in a Realtime Modulation. The Noteoff event are not ident with Current status of the Evelope Decay/Release Phase. But this is not realy a bug from Emu this is a Naturally Problem of ADSR Envelops.

So i get the great idea of using the "Live Inputs" Option in the Voice menu to go around the Note Off Event- for feel free triggering the envelope independently.

My idea was to switch paired Voices via the Realtiem Mod (ModWL -AmpXfd ) to switsch between selfmade PhaseLienarFX Morphing Filters;-) ( Wouw ..i love Emu !)

So i simply thought to change the Sample ( Every Voice had the same Sample)
to an Input ( Adat 1-2 ).

Ha ! didn?t work! It?s needed a while until I came through it.
Because if you want to use this feature ( by simply Realtime Switch between Filter via CC with one Sample), every voice needs an other Live Input!.

Or is it a 4.7 Bug ?
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