B-3 Leslie for E6400

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B-3 Leslie for E6400

Postby sturoc » Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:34 am

Still being new in the world of EOS: Would like to achive a B-3 preset complete w/ Leslie effect using mod wheel as the "rotate speed" controller?
I have a basic b-3 sampled in already.
Any Ideas?
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Postby sampleandhold » Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:13 am

Now.. I am trying to think. Are you refering to the sound that a certian organ made by making the speaker rotate at various speeds? Like an LFO? Is that what you want?

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Postby sturoc » Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:39 am

Yes, Hammond B-3 w Leslie cabinet.
The cabinet, more like a piece of grandma's furniture, has a rotating directional "port which channels out the mids to hi end from top speaker.The mid/hi end volume flucuates along w/ some hi freqs due to the "horn port" spinning past an opening in the cab.

The lows were from a rotating baffle in front of a spkr in the bottom of cab.

So maybe LFO would be a part of this preset along with filter?
The control on a B-3 was a speed lever I believe it was :
off-slow -med- fast. Being all mechanical, you would hear the speed pick up or slow down.

If ya listen to any Allman bros or Jazz organ your sure to hear this sound.
If ya never seen a Leslie cab it was a great piece for it's time.
Thanks for any help
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Postby sampleandhold » Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:30 pm

Yeah, I have seen one. I don't know if you could get a completely authentic sound though. If you think about it, as the speaker is spinning, I would think you would experiance a small amount of a doppler type effect. I would suggest using possibly a low pass filter set up to a sine or triangle shaped LFO. But I don't think your going to get quite what you are looking for.

A thought came to mind. I suppose you could set up the LFO to control the amplitued using a sine or tri wave. Have it where it doesn't completely cut off the signal. Then you could take the lfo and set up I would assume fine pitch to the lfo and set it up so that when the lfo is raising the amp volume, you have the lfo also pitch up the sound and then once it peaks and starts to lower the amp volume you could have the lfo start decreasing the pitch. The pitch shifting would have to be done very slightly since the doppler effect you would hear wouldn't be as great as a train going by.

I might even play with this little idea and see what I can come up with.

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Postby sturoc » Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:20 am

Thanks for the tips,
I will give it a try tonight or tomorrow in between work.
Definitely let ya know how it goes.
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Location: Colorado USA

Postby illinformed » Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:26 am

I can remember Sound on Sound doing some articles about synthesizing the B3.

http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jan04/a ... ecrets.htm
http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/dec03/a ... ecrets.htm
http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar04/a ... ecrets.htm

I also forgot that Emu actually released a B3 tonewheel organ. I know that there are a few B3 banks on the free CD's I got with the Emu however it makes me think that there are some more Emu designed patches out there that would have the sample data from the module, anyone know??

http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jun00/a ... emusys.htm SOS reviewed it here but the downside seems that the Leslie effect was actually sampled and not modulated.
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Postby wigworld » Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:10 pm

I don't think it will be that straight forward to program a Leslie effect, because the Leslie cabinet actually had two (or maybe three? - not sure) rotating speakers, but they rotate in opposite directions.
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