Is it possible to copy Roms?

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Is it possible to copy Roms?

Postby Mank » Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:29 am

Hello everyone.I just discovered this site today and it looks like I've got some reading a head of me with all the great info..
So, here's my problem..
I have been having a nightmare trying to find a second VK6 keyboard, as a back up for live, and the vintage keys module doesn't appear to have the same presets as my keyboard.So, I have just bought a 6400 ultra with the purpose of sampling the presets i can't live without.
Now my question..?
I installed the Rom from my keyboard into the sampler,which worked fine, but is it possible to copy the samples/banks/patches from the Rom into the memory or to the HD on the 6400u so I can return the Rom back into the keyboard?
Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Postby poeticproductions » Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:41 am

i'm quite sure it is possible - but i don't know how to do it... i bought a HDD off ebay a little while ago full of banks, presets and samples - one bank was the Orbit/Phatt Rom - so it must be possible.

Now, one question for you - you installed the rom from your VK6 and it worked fine??!! I have an Xtreme Lead-1 and would love to install that rom into my E6400 Ultra, but thought that was impossible!!
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Postby Mank » Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:43 am

Thanks for the info.I just got to work out how to do it now.
Yeah, I installed the Rom from the vintage keys keyboard into the sampler and it worked, the only thing is that my keyboard doesn't work without the rom,obviously,so that's why i need to find the way to copy or import.
Thanks for the reply mate.

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re roms etc

Postby Modulus » Sat Apr 08, 2006 1:32 pm

Hi guys.

I'm new too :grin:

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Roms etc

Postby Modulus » Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:19 pm

I figure this is old news for many, but for n00bs like me:

Any Proteus 2000 rom will work in an Ultra, with some caveats:

So far, I'm only getting 16Mb from 32 Mb ROMS. I'm wondering if EOS4.61 will fix that...

The ROMs show up as drives, with a single bank, just load it into RAM...

The "presets" are just mapped samples - no LFO's, no filters, no Envs. Multisamples etc are set and ready to go. Its not as good as having the presets, but a significant amount of legwork is already done. You have the samples, plus the basic presets to use them, ready for tweakage.

The samples are there and good to go. Save em to a regular bank, put the ROM back in the Proteus....

However, if its a ROM that was repackaged for E synth, and you have your original patches disc, you can flash the presets from the disc, and depending on the ROMS get full or partial compatibility.

In another thread, someone was asking for a backup of the original library that came with all Ultras. I dug mine out and it contains the original E Synth patches. Flashing them with the composer ROM on board gives me an E-synth. Flashing the larger E synth presets folder, with the Orbit/Phatt patches, with an XL1 ROM also on board gives me the first half of the that set. 1000 patches flashed,samples on board, no RAM used. Cooool.
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Postby Mank » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:05 am

Hi Modulas,
Thanks for the info.I just bought a Vintage Pro module to back up the keyboard,after I'd sampled all the presets i use from the keyboard, but I still will try and back these files up to the E6400 ultra directly from the Rom.
Thanks again mate.

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