Layering samples in a preset.

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Layering samples in a preset.

Postby Keety3weight » Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:08 am


Peace to all Emu godz,

When making a preset and you want to layer some samples, say a bass preset and you wish to use two sawtooths what do you godz do?
Im currently copying the sample in the preset page. Is this right? Or should it be a multi sample preset? Also what is the advantage or disadvantage of using the multisample preset? Is it really only with a break preset? It's just i've noticed when i import breaks that have been cut in my Akai S3000XL that those programmes or presets come as multisamples. Am i missing something or just being a twat?

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Location: Essex, UK.

Postby sampleandhold » Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:01 am

I am too tired for this...

When I do presets in the emu and I want to layer as you put it with two saws... I copy the voice. I use 1 saw sample, but copy the voice which allows me to layer the sample onto it's self. This will allow you to resever more ram for samples and means you don't have to sample the same sound over and over again. However... if you want to change one of the layers slightly, you will infact need to actually copy the sample and make your change. Because, quite naturally, if you just copy the voice and change that sample both voices will reflect that change since they are sharing the one sample.


Oh.. and I not sure where you were going when you started to talk about break presets... I am just super tired and probably just couldn't understand it right now.

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Postby Keety3weight » Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:50 am


Tidy, a reply from the mighty S&H :thumbs:

I get you mate and it makes sense. The thing is when i first tried layering and it was from your Reese tutorial i kept getting the voices coming into a multi-sample preset and i could not de-tune the voices individually. I kept trying to copy then i worked it out so the voices were actually on top of each other in a "normal" preset, not multi-sample.

The reason i spoke about a break preset was because when i import from zip a break cut up in recycle which has been sent to my akai <i cant get the scsi to work with the emu so i just recycle to the akai, save then get the akai programme and samples into the emu through the zip, long i know but it works> the preset is a multisample preset.
I hope that makes it clearer sir, in fact i think im being a dive because the multi-sample preset for a break makes total sense as it is key spanned.

Thanks for the reply and help squire.

:grin: 8-) :biglaugh:
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Location: Essex, UK.

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