LFO retriggering, is it possible??

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LFO retriggering, is it possible??

Postby phono » Thu Aug 07, 2003 2:55 pm

ok heres the deal, i have some fat patches with lfo's 1+2 sweeping the filters, the lfo conrol is set to free run.

Now when recording sometimes they line up as should be and other times as not, im well into the way the sweeps go so i dont really want to hand program the filter. What i really need to figure out is how to trigger the LFOs at the right time so the free run sweeps start as and when i need them to.

checked the manual, there is no LFO retrig cord, or any mention of it in the manual, am i ballsed? :cry:

p.s. EOS classic 4.10

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Postby sampleandhold » Thu Aug 07, 2003 7:34 pm

well you could set the lfo to key sync....

or, and this is something that i haven't tried, you could use the sampleretrig in the mod matrix to retrig the lfo. that might do the trick.

perhaps you could use the arp and sequence them to the bpm. you can do that by using a clock divisor linked to lfo trigger, i believe, and set that to 100%, then set the clock divisor to whatever length you need to get it to flow correctly. oh and what you should do when you are in multi mode is go into the arp, set the bpm, then hit "stop". you hit stop so the arp isn't on. then hit done. you should then have it sync. if you get really freaky lfo waves. you may need to adjust the lfo rate a bit. i would go probably lower in rate, so the clock can be more useable. it seems when you do this, if the rate lands best on 8th notes, setting the clock to whole, or quarter note, doesn't seem to change the rate, but going up seems to.

if you use the lfo sync, my suggestion to you, is after you have it synced, the way you like it. is save the patch to a different part of your zip/hd. that way you have those settings, and you still have the original. also, you will have to turn the arp on each time you load the bank in the future. it doesn't seem to want to save the arp settings. so you will have to reset your bpm....

so basically, what i think you want is the lfo to start at the same point every time. and i think your best bet would be to do a arp sync. i haven't really played around with free run, but i would think that the lfo syncing would work. the idea is that the lfo would flow in time with your bpm, and at the begaining of every phrase, measure, whatever, the lfo should be at the same point.

i hope this helps you out. if you have any problems with it give a shout. i will mess with this and see if there is a better way, and i am sure there is some one else here that might have a better idea then me.

but hope it sortes it all out for you.
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Postby phono » Thu Aug 07, 2003 9:05 pm

thing is i want to keep the exact same speed of the sweep since it goes goes nice against another patch im running along with it, its more a case of starting the sweep at the exact moment rather than syncing it fully.

perhaps the simple answer would be to change from key sync to free run via a midi cc (probably resets it) from the sequncer side ;) got any ideas?

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Postby sampleandhold » Thu Aug 07, 2003 11:21 pm

i will have to play around with it. i think if you get it to sync, at the speed you want. it should work. unless the filter sweeps are out of time. at what point do you want the filter to start it's sweep?

i might have an idea. that is interesting. if we could just get some kind of a signal to the emu, to say, "hey, that filter sweep, i want it to start at the begaining of every fourth measure" i will play around with it here in a little bit. i have some errands to do, but i will look into it tonight and see what i can come up with. i bet the matrix mod will let us do what we want. i will get back to you unless some one else beats me too it.
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Postby GAMMAH » Thu Aug 07, 2003 11:50 pm

Why don't you just sample the sweep? If you want it to be the same every time, just get the LFOs running the way you want, and SAMPLE it. Then it's the same everytime, and you can layer even more filtering on top of that.

Just a suggestion.
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Postby drayon » Fri Aug 08, 2003 1:25 pm

This is exactly what i was asking a while ago but know one really had an answer. Hint, in my Virus and my Kurzweil K2500S there is a 'trigger phase' parameter, u set the parameter in degree's so u can have the LFO start its cycle from any point in its phase.

In the meantime im just sampling the sound oscillating then setting the sample start point to the in the LFO's cycle i want to be triggering at note on. It does suck tho because u need to use the 'Truncation' Tool to do this an off course it lops off the sample data before the start point.

In contrast, my K2500 in loop mode allows me to set the Sample Start point anywhere within the sample without truncating the sample. The loop point was a separate parameter as was the End Point. Additionally there is a 'ALT' point. This could be set as an Alternative Start or End Point. This could have a switch controller to be assigned to it or any other midi controller. In practice u set your Start Point to the location in the sample u choose, if u want the sample data before the Start Point truncated u place the 'Alt' point AFTER the start point....if u didnt want the sample data truncated u set the 'ALT' point at the start of the sample an set you start point anywhere else. This worked the same for the End point. Personally this system is much more flexible than the EMU's method since u have no choice but to delete sample data when u set a start point and u need to visit 2 different tool pages to perform either looping or truncation. U do all this in the one page in the Krz.

Anywayz, id love to hear a cords trick on setting the LFO to trigger note on at 'ANY' desired location in its cycle. U could then assign a bass sample to 3 different voices, with their own key range lets say its a bass line of 3 notes Hi-Low C2-C2, D#2-D#2, E2-E2 set voice ones LFO to trigger at 0 degrees negative, voice two's LFO to trigger at 270 positive degrees and voice three's LFO to trigger from 180 degrees negative.
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Postby madmax » Mon Aug 11, 2003 3:57 pm

resample resample resample
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