Going Going .....

This is where to post your questions and tips on creating presets and using cords.

Moderators: stu, Ole

Going Going .....

Postby om » Fri Oct 20, 2006 10:42 pm

It feels like the forum is dying. I really wanted to say that this was a pretty kewl group. One thing that would be kewl would be if ezman could zip up the top level threads so that people could download them and have them for posterity. I would really like to have the contents of the "The Lab" I think there is some real genius in there that I havent gotten around to. Is there a tool that would enable me to download this myself and archive it?
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Location: Brisbane, Australia

Postby vermis_rex » Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:09 am

I'll second that motion...

I've only had my E6400 for three months, and haven't had the time to dig through the forum and follow every thread to its end looking for tricks and tips. A compacted, compressed digest of the key bits would be fantastically helpful for us newcomers. Being able to bulk download it to sift through at our leasure (or subject to various indexing programs) would be nearly the next best thing. Part of the reason I bought the E-mu was because of the modulation power the chords represent.
Last edited by vermis_rex on Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:10 am

I don't know... but we should get something together, sort of like a book, I have always thought.

I still use my emu but it's primarily drums and editing now or anything else that requires it's power (like a guitar loop I want to tighten up and glitch, so much quicker in the emu). Current songs use absynth exclusively for sounds since I have so much more flexiblity for modulation then the emu has, but the drums are still proper in the emu and probably wont be replaced for a long time. I just haven't found out anyting really cool with the sampler to share in a long time.

Perhaps after all these years, we have finally all gotten the hang of this powerhouse. Every one is busy working on music, I am sure. I know my posts in various forms have slowed on other production sites because I am now finally getting somewhere where I can actually do things that sound good and I actually finally know what I am doing to a degree.

I am actually focusing more on Absynth at the moment since it is incredible how much you can do with it. When I can make 45 different patches using just a sine wave and they all sound completely different, that is insane.

But see, here is the thing.. the site might go through a resurgence after a while, once the emu becomes something sought after like a TB303 or TR808... I think that is already starting to happen. Especially with the references to all the stuff on DOA that talk about the emu. I just saw a thread today with some one wondering about the prices of the birds.

I still need to get Chickensys going though. Seriously need to do that... just haven't had the time. Back up all my breaks. Maybe I will just finaly get Emulator X for archival purposes. Don't know.

Still, a great knowledge base for the emu this one is.

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Postby Ole » Sat Oct 21, 2006 5:52 pm

Well, if someone would care to put all this togheter in some kind of form it would be invaluable in 10 years, when everyone want the "vintage" e-mu sound.
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Postby Randomguy » Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:24 am


it should stay - period!

i really hope it doesnt go away, id be glad to host it on my server if it was gonna be closed down.

maybe most of the content should be made into a wiki?

i would happily set that up - but, if ezman is keeping it going (which im sure he is as he is asking for moderators) then all the better :thumbs:
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Postby mark h » Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:30 pm

I've still got loads to learn on my emu, don't close it!! A wiki could work.
mark h
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Postby Ole » Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:01 pm

Wiki might not be bad.
Posts: 340
Joined: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:20 pm

Postby om » Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:50 pm

I just found this software called httrack that enabled me to mirror the emusonacid site. It took all night to run but I now have the "THE LAB" archive which is 500 MB. You may not want to try this at home.
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