Editing EOS patches via Sysex

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Editing EOS patches via Sysex

Postby phono » Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:38 pm

im thinking to make some sort of drum machine patch, but i want to do soemthing exotic, i want to be able to change a specific sample in a specific patch remotely, via midi/sysex. I understand how to work the peptalk , tho this doesnt seem to be the solution.

In a nutshell i want to realtime edit a specific preset from a midi controller (cc or sysex)

is it possible? any ideas anyone?

i can elaborate more if i didnt get my point across well enough
Last edited by phono on Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby sampleandhold » Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:40 am

Well you could map several samples on one key and have them mapped to a specific velocity range. Might work.. but might be difficult too.

or, you could send program change data.. but not sure what you have going on with your set up.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

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Postby phono » Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:44 am

yeah i thought about the velocity, that would work but wouldnt work so well for what im trying to achive. I guess program change wouldnt work since that would change the whole bank rather than a single sample in the bank.

What im trying to do exactly is make a 909 type kit with different samples of each hit, and have the ability to change a sample in the preset with a knob on my bcr 2000 midi controller.

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Postby phono » Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:03 pm

woot i found this on the site, need to open my eyes a bit :loveit:


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Postby phono » Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:30 pm

i've solved it, here's how i did it for the curious, i'll edit the topic title also to reflect this :) hope its some use

Ok some sysex examples, the first line selects the patch, the second selects the voice and the last tells which sample to place there.


F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 5F 01 10 00 6B F7
F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 61 01 00 00 6B F7
F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 26 00 70 06 7F F7


F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 5F 01 10 00 6B F7
F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 61 01 01 00 6B F7
F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 26 00 71 06 7F F7


F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 5F 01 10 00 6B F7
F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 61 01 02 00 6B F7
F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 26 00 72 06 7F F7


F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 5F 01 10 00 6B F7
F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 61 01 03 00 6B F7
F0 18 21 00 55 01 02 26 00 73 06 7F F7

Of course the voices already need to exist in the patch, if you need to add voices you can do so like this,


F0 18 21 00 55 20 10 00 F7

an example table of sample numbers represented as hex

880 70 06
881 71 06
882 72 06
883 73 06
884 74 06
885 75 06
886 76 06
887 77 06
888 78 06
889 79 06
890 7A 06
891 7B 06
892 7C 06
893 7D 06
894 7E 06
895 7F 06
896 00 07
897 01 07
898 02 07
899 03 07
900 04 07
901 05 07
902 06 07
903 07 07
904 08 07
905 09 07
906 0A 07
907 0B 07
908 0C 07
909 0D 07
910 0E 07
911 0F 07
912 10 07
913 11 07
914 12 07
915 13 07
916 14 07
917 15 07
918 16 07
919 17 07
920 18 07
921 19 07
922 1A 07
923 1B 07
924 1C 07
925 1D 07
926 1E 07
927 1F 07
928 20 07
929 21 07
930 22 07
931 23 07
932 24 07
933 25 07
934 26 07
935 27 07
936 28 07
937 29 07
938 2A 07
939 2B 07
940 2C 07
941 2D 07
942 2E 07
943 2F 07
944 30 07
945 31 07
946 32 07
947 33 07
948 34 07
949 35 07
950 36 07
951 37 07
952 38 07
953 39 07
954 3A 07
955 3B 07
956 3C 07
957 3D 07
958 3E 07
959 3F 07
960 40 07
961 41 07
962 42 07
963 43 07
964 44 07
965 45 07
966 46 07
967 47 07
968 48 07
969 49 07
970 4A 07
971 4B 07
972 4C 07
973 4D 07
974 4E 07
975 4F 07
976 50 07
977 51 07
978 52 07
979 53 07
980 54 07
981 55 07
982 56 07
983 57 07
984 58 07
985 59 07
986 5A 07
987 5B 07
988 5C 07
989 5D 07
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991 5F 07
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999 67 07

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Postby emile » Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:47 am

hey there! I've been looking for a way to store my sampler's controler data so I can tweak my presets with my external control surface and keep the different combinations as "presets". As you may know, the external control data is not stored within the presets themselves but is applied to each channel, regardless of the preset that is there... Unless I'm missing something... I also thought of using a sequencer to store snapshots of the ctrl values on a midi track, but that would be a bit awkward, I'd have no way to organize it as 'sounds'... You gave me the idea to store the values as sysex messages. Do you think it would work?
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Postby phono » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:04 pm

the trouble with sysex is that its quite complex and requires a lot of data. In other words its not really ment for realtime control, and a flood of sysex can knock the sync right out of wack for a moment. However if you are talking midi cc's, its a lot simpler of course.

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Postby emile » Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:38 pm

I see, but it wouldn't be for real time, only for storing midi ext cc data in a preset form... I'm not sure when I'll experiment with this, since my priority remains making music. It would be quite useful though to be a ble to achieve what I'm trying to do...

I don't know if other people tweak their presets with external controlers, but as fun as it is, it's totally unpractical with this machine...
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Postby phono » Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:07 pm

whenever ive been in this position, ive just set some automation at the start of the song before any notes are played, that way saving the base settings I want. I think this is the only practical way if you want full control. The only other way is hardcoding it in the preset, for example setting freq cutoff in the filter, of course this way you can never go below that hardcoded level, just above it. It would also be the same with sysex, since sysex is just editing parameters, youd still need somewhere to save that setting, ie the sequencer. Unless you are happy with hardcoded levels set by sysex, that would work but there goes your realtime control.

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Postby emile » Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:44 pm

Couldn't I just record a snapshot of the parameters with a sysex manager and store it as a file which I could flash back to the emu? The point is mainly to be able to create many presets with their own name instead of having them embedded somewhere along a sequence in a cubase project... To store them as small individual sequences in the sampler (or anywhere else) could work also i guess...

Thanks for the feed back!
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Postby phono » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:57 am

emile wrote:Couldn't I just record a snapshot of the parameters with a sysex manager and store it as a file which I could flash back to the emu? The point is mainly to be able to create many presets with their own name instead of having them embedded somewhere along a sequence in a cubase project... To store them as small individual sequences in the sampler (or anywhere else) could work also i guess...

Thanks for the feed back!


bulk dump should be possible, it wouldnt save the samples afaik but would save all "set" parameters.

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Postby emile » Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:20 pm

Which sysex editor would you recommend? Can I dump sysex from the e-mu? I have limited experisnce with this stuff, a couple of hints would be appreciated, thanks again!
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Postby phono » Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:30 pm

midiox seems best and its free, i use that for dumps to the pc and logic audio for writing sysex from midi faders

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Postby emile » Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:31 am

Great, thanks for the tip! Do you know if writing sysex is possible from cubase?
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Postby phono » Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:22 pm

emile wrote:Great, thanks for the tip! Do you know if writing sysex is possible from cubase?

sure, ive not used it since the early days of vst but you could then so im sure you still can now, specifics in cubase i cant help you with, but im sure its there ;)

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