Midi A,B,C,D chords - losing midi pick up!

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Midi A,B,C,D chords - losing midi pick up!

Postby ct43 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:01 am

When I make a preset, ive been using some chord settings with the midi controllers A, B, C etc... sometimes they seem to work from my little Kenton Midi controller & sometimes they dont, like I could have a preset all working fine, save it turn back on the EMU and then it wont pick up on the midi.. very strange.

I have the A, B, C, D controllers set to, CC's 1,2,3,4 in the master section... this stays the same when I turn back on the EMU, so that seems to be ok... I cant figure it out!!


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Joined: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:44 pm

Postby sampleandhold » Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:47 am

You may want to change the cc's back to default settings of 20,21, and so on. Those other cc's are usually reservered for other things like pitch bending and velocity. It is possible to get a cc to work on two things at once but it's not really intended. The reason I say that is because it only works some of the time... you know? I would try setting them all back to unreserved cc's. If that doesn' work. Try drawing in program data in your sequencer and see if it remains consistant. If it does, then your controller may have some pots that need replacing.

Hope this gives you some ideas on where to go.

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