by vermis_rex » Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:01 pm
I don't know if it's useful in this situation, but you might try looking at the patch-cord amount table in one of the Proteus2000 manuals (since they're all freely available as PDFs). They didn't bother to include this table in the EOS manual. In the P2K manual, it's right after the diagrams of velocity curves. It lists amounts for (pretty near) semi-tone steps. But I don't know how well that translates to filters rather than pitches.
I don't really have any examples to pull reference from, the nearest being some in the old Morpheus... but many of the vocal filters in the Morpheus have three values (morph, key-track, transform 2), while the ones in EOS have only two (freq, res) which roughly translate to (morph, key-track), since "key-track" doesn't always really mean "key-tracking", and gets used for other sorts of parameters in some filters. I can't pretend to completely understand E-mu's Z-plane filters. Although it would have meant a TON of parameters to keep track of, I sometimes wish E-mu had given full control of the six parametric filters that make up a Z-plane filter, or more graphical representations of how the Z-plane filters behave across the different sides of the cube (or square, for 2 parameter filters). It would make it a lot easier to visualize the result you want and how it relates to the filter responses.
It really is pretty much trial and error... patch key->res (since filter res is only read at note-on) on the assumption that "res" on the EOS filters maps to "key-track" in the Morpheus filters. The amounts used in the Morpheus patches vary from +15 to +127 (but seem to average around +63/64, or doubling steps... 0, 15, 32, 64, 127...), with no initial offset. But that might not translate over to the EOS filters.