triggering a program change.

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triggering a program change.

Postby lapun » Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:14 pm

I have set my Ultra to be triggered through a D4 drum module. I was wondering if it is possible to set up a cord so that it would enable me to trigger a program change??
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Postby vermis_rex » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:59 pm

As far as I know, it's not possible. There is no cord destination that routes to program changes.
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Postby sampleandhold » Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:23 am

I have been thinking about this post since I first saw it and there might be away to do program changes. After all it's just a midi CC. I am not too mental about midi but if you could find the channel that PC's run on in midi and somehow got a controller to communicate on that midi channel then program change should be possible. The issue however is that the way a Program change works is like a linear cc in which each value from 1 through 127 or 0 through 126 represent one preset change. So a value of 8 means that preset 8 will play if we use the first possible midi setting (1-127) so that might be kind of hard to impliment with a foot pedal or something of that nature. A rotary pot might be good though.

I might dink around with this idea when I get some time.

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Re: triggering a program change.

Postby vermis_rex » Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:17 pm

lapun wrote:I have set my Ultra to be triggered through a D4 drum module. I was wondering if it is possible to set up a cord so that it would enable me to trigger a program change??

OK, let me have another look at this. Can you elaborate on what it is you are trying to achieve? I may have been too caught up on the "patch cord" part, there might be a way to do it in the D4 (I'll just have to dig up the PDF of the manual).
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Postby lapun » Thu May 10, 2007 10:38 am

Basically i have a 5 peice toy drumkit that has 5 triggers attatched to each drum and triggers attatched to 1 set of hats and 1 cymbal.(7 in total for each drum program) 7 sounds in total is a little limiting so it would be good to set up a system either being 2 triggers,1 for up and 1 for down to select the next or previous drum program or a footswitch to do the same. I know it might be possible to do this by using a midi program change board but they are a little expensive and rather impractical for my needs.If i can set up my midi keyboard to perform program changes then i thought it might be possible to set up a chord patch to trigger the change also. .. p.s super forum.
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