total noob

This is where to post your questions and tips on creating presets and using cords.

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total noob

Postby monkeylove » Sat May 12, 2007 2:14 am

hi everyone

i have a 6400 ultra i have been through the manual twice (quickly)

i have managed to send my samples to it over scsi

what im not getting is the sampler recieves it as a sample and i cant put

the morphing filters on the sound unless its saved as a preset


im really not getting the putting samples into presets thing

i find the book a little hard going

so if any one can help me out making my own

samples i would be gratefull

i mainly wanna put leads and basslines through it that i have made on my pc

and layering samples like a high cut and low cut version of the same

sample spread across the same keyrange

also how come every sample i put into it comes in as default on C 4

not C 3 ?

thanks to anyone who has the time to help

from what i have already heard playing about with my emu it has a really

nice sound love it


Posts: 19
Joined: Sat May 12, 2007 1:59 am

Postby ehasting » Sun May 13, 2007 11:52 am

the C3 vs C4 thingy is a midi implementation stuff.. just get used to that C4 is the center :).

A sample as it self is just a wave. you have to put it into preset to be able to do the modulation which also means adding filters.

imagine a golfball, inside you have the core, which is the sample. outisde the core its the preset, which wraps around the sample. The cool thing is that you can have sevral samples in the core, wihch are assigned to diffrent keys and velocity+++ and this together is a preset.

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Location: Norway

Postby monkeylove » Sun May 13, 2007 2:26 pm

so i save a sample to a bank

but when i open the bank to make the presets there is no sound

why ?

i have managed to create presets already but by accident lol

and im really having prob layering as well

thnx for reply mate
Posts: 19
Joined: Sat May 12, 2007 1:59 am

Postby ehasting » Sun May 13, 2007 3:01 pm

I am very new to this my self, got my sampler yesterday. :)
I go into sampler (mode), click new, sample down what i want and auto placing it. Then go to preset-edit mode and select the sample i have just recorder it works with out any problem :). But i havent tried layering diffrent samples yet. I have only worked with a single drumloop for now.

When i have my sample in the preset, i can mess around with the cords, change filters and other :).

But the concept seems pritty easy to me.

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Location: Norway

Postby jura » Tue May 15, 2007 4:46 pm

monkeylove wrote:so i save a sample to a bank

but when i open the bank to make the presets there is no sound

why ?

i have managed to create presets already but by accident lol

and im really having prob layering as well

thnx for reply mate

you have to select the preset in the main screen (one with al the faders), otherwise you won't hear it.

for layering, you can layer voices in the voice edit menu. just hit copy voice and presto. you will hear the two identical sounds phase on each other, no worries, for example select the hipass filter on voice one and peakshelf on voice 2, modulate both and instant :slayer:
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