EMU Envelopes

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EMU Envelopes

Postby ezman » Mon Apr 14, 2003 8:18 pm

Anybody got any decent envelope settings they would care to share??? On my ailing akai s2000 it's got presets for different kinds of sounds like Dry percussion, brass, piano. What I'd really love is a stab envelope like Digital's Deadline!!!!

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Location: Leeds, UK

Postby madmax » Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:00 pm

yo EZman try attaching the filter envelope to the filter freq on the cords page (Source = FENV; Dest = FilFreq; Amt = -100%). Then go to the amp/filt page and set the filter to 6-pole lowpass (open). Then scroll on this page (next/prev buttons) to the FENV menu. Take the value on both decays to zero. Then put the value of attack1 at zero as well. Increase the length of attack2 until it looks something like a triangle (the length will vary for different sounds). Now you should be modulating the filter so it closes over time, emphasizing a stab sound.

:shock: (yo this emoticon is straight nerd)
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Postby madmax » Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:02 pm

I can't remember what the sound in deadline is like so this probably makes it sound nothing like that. :roll:
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Location: DC, USA

Postby ezman » Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:39 am

Man that sounds like a good tip so big ups for that, will be trying that tomorrow. Reckon either way it'll get me closer to where I wanna be going :lol:
PS. Got to get some new smileys on this board, are the DOA ones theirs or universal?
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Postby sampleandhold » Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:53 am

yeah i am going to give that a go too.
this is going to be good.
yes the smilies have to go. especially that blushing one.
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Postby emusonacid » Tue Apr 15, 2003 6:00 pm

Just gave that envelope a go - works nice, I'll def be using that in my next track!!!Messing with decay1 adds some good effects an' all!!
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