Tempo Control

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Tempo Control

Postby om » Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:14 pm

Hey Everyone

I use the Ultra sequencer cuz I hate windoze. Its a personal issue. Anyway, I want to be able to control the tempo of the sequencer via a slider on my controller keyboard. Any ideas on how to do this. I have a novation remote. been reading everything I can on how to do this, but there doesnt seem to be a clear answer.
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:01 pm

I know you could control the tempo if you used a computer and sent that midi message to the emu... but as for internally... I don't know... My gut reaction is no... but I could be wrong. If it is possible... the answer is in some setting in the sequencer. You might just have to program it instead of using a slider. Actually... I have never heard of tempo controlled by a midi cc. It's always a sort of internal thing. Would be neat though.

Any one with ideas?
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Postby vermis_rex » Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:36 am

I think you could only do it if your controller also transmits MIDI clock, and the slider was set to adjust the tempo that way (by adjusting the tempo of the clock being transmitted). I don't think MIDI has a controller mapped to tempo. And there's no way to cord it inside the E-mu.
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Postby MFPhouse » Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:15 am

There is no possible.

exept....you run an external Sequencer ( Hard or Soft ) and change the Tempo Value , than the Emu follow problerly the Midi Clock......perhaps :mrgreen:
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Postby sampleandhold » Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:38 am

vermis_rex wrote:I think you could only do it if your controller also transmits MIDI clock, and the slider was set to adjust the tempo that way (by adjusting the tempo of the clock being transmitted). I don't think MIDI has a controller mapped to tempo. And there's no way to cord it inside the E-mu.

Yeah... I think I did something like that to try and manipulate the arp on the emu.. it was kind of on or off. Basically the tempo was 120 or 160 or 240 but no smooth slide inbetween as it seems. If I remember correctly of course.

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Postby illinformed » Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:28 pm

Probably not much help but there are other devices that can transmit midi clock.

The one I use is a Kenton Control Freak that will change the tempo by using 1 slider and will also change pitch of any looping sample to keep it in time. Nowhere near as good as pitchshiftless Ableton but it can be handy.

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Postby vermis_rex » Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:12 pm

Perhaps, 25 years on, it's time to update/replace the MIDI specs for modern technology... (I know there have been purely academic attempts, but they seem to have run into commercial resistance)

Of course, that wouldn't really help your current situation, as any changes wouldn't translate back to the E-mu, and the company aren't all that interested in updating the EOS.
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Postby om » Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:05 pm

Thanks for all the comments and ideas. I'm gonna try a few things and report back. The real issue could be my own drum programming. Sometimes when I program something up it sounds "metronomic" and it bores me to no end.
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Postby oberheim91 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:58 am

sampleandhold wrote:I have never heard of tempo controlled by a midi cc.

Any one with ideas?

Logic has a fader called tempo control that can be modulated with any cc. The range of the fader is between 50 and 177 bpm. It enables you to bypass the tempo change graphic editor which is a bitch to deal with and program the changes with the hyper editor. Actually its the only way to send glitchless midi clock to external gears.
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