impossible?or not? e6400 sample trigger link?

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impossible?or not? e6400 sample trigger link?

Postby filterfreq » Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:42 pm


I'm sending a single midi note into my emu....i'm triggering a sample on midi channel 1...can i use this same note (perhaps via an internal link) to trigger another sample on midi channel 2 at the exact same time?

basically im trying to trigger 2 samples on my emu 'sample accurate' and route them to separate outs. when i use 2 notes from a sequencer (normal approach) i get phase problems due to midi being unable to send 2 notes at the exact same time.

these samples have to be on separate channels not in the same preset.

i have an old e6400 which doesn't allow me to assign a sample to separate outputs within a preset , hence the problem.

if this gets answered i will be very shocked .. i dont think its possible anyway ..not on an e6400.

peace freq.
Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:04 am

Postby Ole » Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:02 pm

What eos do you have?
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Joined: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:20 pm

Postby gcoudert » Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:46 pm

Can your controller keyboard send MIDI data on two channels at the same time (two layered zones)?

If you're using a sequencer, record the sequence on Channel 1, copy it to another track and set it to Channel 2.

Dunno if this helps?

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Postby filterfreq » Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:50 pm

hi thanks

its version 2.80f, i don't have a very large flash ! I think i went as high as i could at the time.


every bit helps, thing is, midi cant send two notes at the same time, there is a very very tiny delay that can cause phase disturbance (depending on what your doing)and this can vary each time,(depending on what is sent along with the 'note on' , such as modulation and other continuous controllers.)

so hmm yeah if i could upgrade my eos to a level that will enable me to route voices to separate outputs within a preset. yum yum. i believe you can do this on an ultra?

see, i thought you could link the key+ info from one midi channels cord patch to another midi channels cord patchbay.

appreciate your time.

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Postby filterfreq » Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:53 pm

hi here's my hardware config.

flash 1mb

cpu ram 1mb

cpu flash 1mb

and i paid 2200 pounds :cry:


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Postby Ole » Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:15 pm

I believe you should be able to reach Eos 3, and if you are lucky you might have the assign samples to seperate outputs function, but I'm not sure.
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Postby filterfreq » Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:49 pm

really wow eos v3... cool i shall do a search and see if i can find it.

although i might have to upgrade my flash i think?

shall see and post results.


(still shocked i had replies) :grin:


emusonacid rule :slayer:
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Postby filterfreq » Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:22 pm

cant get eos v3 ...emusonacid has it but , when you unrar ...there are the wrong files inside and the emu webiste only has eos 2.8 and 4+ :cry:

emusonacid eos v3b has sdisk inside the rar. and the read me says at the top:

S-Disk V1.0
July, 1993

S-Disk is an MS-DOS utility for converting Roland sampler diskettes to
DOS files

haha crazy days. :spliff:
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Postby vermis_rex » Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:30 am

Have you tried using a link in one preset to trigger a second preset? Each will still have it's own submix output selection, so it should still route them out separately, but they should (should!) trigger simultaneously.
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