Default Cord Setups

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Default Cord Setups

Postby om » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:51 am

Hey Everyone,

Does anyone here have recommendations on a good default for cords.
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Postby sixtysixnorth » Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:18 am

Not sure its a particularly 'good' setup, but in my default cords I have various MIDI controllers mapped to filter cutoff and res, lfo speed etc. These correspond to the controllers on my MIDI keyboard, so I can start tweaking in real time straight away. Saves a lot of time anyway!
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Postby gcoudert » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:19 pm

Incidentally, is it possible to copy Cord settings (or any other setting) from one preset to another?

E-mu E4K, Yamaha P150, DX7 Mk1 with Sycologic V2 upgrade, TX7, Roland JV1080, Akai S1000 & S2800i user
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Postby sixtysixnorth » Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:11 pm

I use Zoeos for that, I'm not sure if you can do it in the sampler though
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Postby sampleandhold » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:54 pm

You could create a preset that is just for a specific cord set up, then if you wanted you load that preset into your bank and then apply the samples you want to that preset, then you can save the preset in the bank and rename it to reflect your samples in it. This will of course leave the preset that originally had the cord set up as is safe on your harddrive or whatever.

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Postby gcoudert » Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:02 pm

Excellent idea, thanks. For existing presets, I suppose I'm stuck to duplicating the settings manually.


E-mu E4K, Yamaha P150, DX7 Mk1 with Sycologic V2 upgrade, TX7, Roland JV1080, Akai S1000 & S2800i user
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Postby illinformed » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:43 pm

I have a floppy that has a huge amount of different preset templates on it. I suppose it gives my floppy drive a reason to exist. The disk hasn't left the Emu for years!

Having said that I do have the exact same presets copied into the flash preset memory but for some reason I prefer loading them off disk. I think it's because the flash ones can be overwritten by mistake quite easily.

I've requested for ages that people dump up their favourite preset templates but it never seems to happen. I'm sure this is because I'm too lazy to set up an easily accessible resource pool and partly because I dont want anyone else to use what I've slaved over for years ;) However, I'm sure someone will do it one day and I'm sure I'll be more than happy to contribute.
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Postby Dark Syndicate » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:01 pm

speaking of default cords..

This maybe be a silly question but im yet to work it out or find any info.

How do i set the default cords? So every time the EMU starts up it has my midi controllers set to useful parameters like
Midi A - Filter Cutoff - 100%
Dark Syndicate
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Postby maky357 » Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:44 am

Dark Syndicate wrote:speaking of default cords..

This maybe be a silly question but im yet to work it out or find any info.

How do i set the default cords? So every time the EMU starts up it has my midi controllers set to useful parameters like
Midi A - Filter Cutoff - 100%

I am interested in that too :thumbs:
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Postby sixtysixnorth » Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:02 pm

I have my EMU load up a default bank with a few empty presets, which have various settings, including cords, tweaked the way I want them. Then I use copies of those empty presets to make new ones. Just add samples and go!
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Postby maky357 » Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:48 am

illinformed wrote:I have a floppy that has a huge amount of different preset templates on it. I suppose it gives my floppy drive a reason to exist. The disk hasn't left the Emu for years!

Having said that I do have the exact same presets copied into the flash preset memory but for some reason I prefer loading them off disk. I think it's because the flash ones can be overwritten by mistake quite easily.

I've requested for ages that people dump up their favourite preset templates but it never seems to happen. I'm sure this is because I'm too lazy to set up an easily accessible resource pool and partly because I dont want anyone else to use what I've slaved over for years ;) However, I'm sure someone will do it one day and I'm sure I'll be more than happy to contribute.

Can you provide us image of that floppy?
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