Emu Pad patchfun and some RFX32 stuff

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Emu Pad patchfun and some RFX32 stuff

Postby ehasting » Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:00 am


i take the rfx32 stuff first, then the patch :).

I just played around with the emu, working up a pad that i am going to use for my next track.

anyway.. i used the rfx32 and heard the outburst people are talking about for the first time. ( i havent used the rfx32 that much). I then used BUS4 as output, and had the delay fx i was using on 46% dry/wet. The outburst got really nasty.. so i couldn't play. Then i changed the part from direct out on bus4 to Mixer, and then added bus4 as aux1 and feedet it that way.. and.. the weird thing is that it seem to work.. i was able to play with the patch without beeing bothered.

Anyway.. the patch is using a kind of reverbish delay on the rfx32.

To build the patch i created a base on my nova consisting of 3 osc.
osc 1: saw
osc 2: pulse width mod -> lfo1
osc 3: pulse width mod -> lfo1+lfo2

and some tweaking to get the sound to be a bit dynamic.

then i sampled it down, and got it into the emu (one C3 samples, and one C4 samples). using about 8 sec of sampling on each.

I looped them, added some corde settings. and lo pass+peakshelf filter.

Midi A = filter cutoff
Midi B = filter reso.

You can see the post with downloadable patch and sound example :).
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