Emu Pad patchfun and some RFX32 stuff

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Emu Pad patchfun and some RFX32 stuff

Postby ehasting » Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:00 am


i take the rfx32 stuff first, then the patch :).

I just played around with the emu, working up a pad that i am going to use for my next track.

anyway.. i used the rfx32 and heard the outburst people are talking about for the first time. ( i havent used the rfx32 that much). I then used BUS4 as output, and had the delay fx i was using on 46% dry/wet. The outburst got really nasty.. so i couldn't play. Then i changed the part from direct out on bus4 to Mixer, and then added bus4 as aux1 and feedet it that way.. and.. the weird thing is that it seem to work.. i was able to play with the patch without beeing bothered.

Anyway.. the patch is using a kind of reverbish delay on the rfx32.

To build the patch i created a base on my nova consisting of 3 osc.
osc 1: saw
osc 2: pulse width mod -> lfo1
osc 3: pulse width mod -> lfo1+lfo2

and some tweaking to get the sound to be a bit dynamic.

then i sampled it down, and got it into the emu (one C3 samples, and one C4 samples). using about 8 sec of sampling on each.

I looped them, added some corde settings. and lo pass+peakshelf filter.

Midi A = filter cutoff
Midi B = filter reso.

You can download and listen to an example of the patch here:
Last edited by ehasting on Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby om » Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:42 am

Thats a really nice sounding pad ehasting. the reverb really warms it too, pity about the outburst, but its handy that you have found a good work around.
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Re: Emu Pad patchfun and some RFX32 stuff

Postby MFPhouse » Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:01 pm

mhh. didn?t work here, only a white Page ...mmhh

I heard so often about the RFX Output Burst , distortion , etc etc .

... i have two RFX32 Cards here and never have Problems like that.

Can anybody send/explaind what there happends or loading a Soundfile for hearing an example?

Sometimes if you work with Good Full Spectrum Samples and work with a few RFX Plugs you get a distortion, but it?s a digital Clipping!, because the RFX Card has no Digital headroom! It?s very simple , you can show this extremly in the RFX Compressor with the AutoGain parameter or the Flanger . That?s all...just reduced the Volume ..e voila. Ca marche.
You can make this FX ( if it the FX) with any Digital Maschine.
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Postby ehasting » Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:20 pm

well.. you tried during my master fixup-time. i did some upgrade of the website..

The link has changed to

regarding the rfx32, i am using 4.7 software. is that the same you are using? the outburst works like this: its comming randomly.. and i have tried to lower the gain, but it still arrives.. but in mixer mode with the preset. it works fine.

Another comment is that when i use the rfx compressor, directly on a patch.. (like routing the preset to bus1, which have the rfx compressor to 100%), i have no problem with outburst at all!?! is this related to memory and bus expencive plugs like reverbs and delays that transport a good amount of data??
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Postby MFPhouse » Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:47 pm

Yes, i use 4.7 on both Maschines. You have to, if you want to get a full powered RFX Card.( FX Midi Control :slayer: )

The biggst Bug on 4.7 is the Entry in the "Multimode List 1 " Page.
I think you talk about this Page.

There are the possible to send the Signal to Mixer, Voice, Main, Bus1.......
Don?t touch this Entry!.( It?s from 4.6, they forget it to put it away, I know it from the Emu Support ( beta 4.7).
There works only the "Mixer" and "Voice" Entry . All the others ( Bus 1,...) are dead. They get in a wrong Buss routing in this 32Bit Risc Prozessor Platine ;-)
So, default is Mixer.

The next Page is the MixerPage - if in "Multimode List 1 " the "Mixer" selectetd -
you came to "Multimode List 2 ".
I say to that Page "Mixer-page".
And there ! you can select all this Output again. Main, Bus 1, ......( exept "voice")

And there are no Problems at all.....Exept you send a Preset full Powered in all four Send. You can !. You can send it four times to Output Main. 100%. Also to Main, Buss1, Buss2, Buss3, all 100%. and then you get the Overpowered RFX Buss. But it?s just i said, Digital Clipping. Just Normal.

The Problem is that there are no real Master . So you have all these Busses , with all this DDL, Reverb, and Stack and Stack and Stack, and than its to much.
It?s Beta this 4.7.. but i can live with that.
You have to work always with the Mixer and you have these four "Sends control" in the Midi Control Page .......;)

Did you mean that?
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Postby ehasting » Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:14 am

Excatly!! i was using the direct routing by selecting busX instead of mixer, and what you explained last is what i did to get the outburst to stop.

Thanks for the explanation, it realy cleared things up. Its rather important information you aired here. I have read much about the RFX but i cant recon. anybody saying what you just said. Thanks :D (maybe make a sticky post about this?)

I must admit that the fx's on the rfx32 is actually very good sounding (at least for my styles of music), warm and good.

was you able to enter the site? it should be up and working now.
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Postby MFPhouse » Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:24 am

yes , great Side! Also the Examples.
Unfortunately, i didn?t have anymore a Floppy drive. So i can use or Try out this Settings. That?s also a Problem of my Emu Side Project.

I try also to build up a Emu-Sampler Side.But i am a little overtired with all this HTML Stuff and don?t know really what to show up there.
Maybe some "Demo" Filter RFX Sound Setups or Sampling examples with Meta synth?. Also a great Tool with the workaround in( with) Emu Samplers
:thumbs: Don?t know yet. But i have to. :???:

I have this two new Domains now and want to make something.
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Postby om » Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:33 am

Hey ehasting, Did you use the muxster on "whats that smell?" just curious how you got that stab/stutter effect.
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Postby ehasting » Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:00 pm

Naa, i am old fashion kind of guy. i cut my samples up manualy by using the sissor tool in the sequencer. Takes some time, but you can slice it in any fashion you want :).

i havent checked out the muxter.. but i sure will now :D
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