Really nice, you are talented! I'm gonna join in on this mp3-posting craze you have started. This mp3 is a short clip of some ambient music used under a small performance involving both dancing and some acting.
It was created by simply playing the e-synth by midi, and recorded using the e-synths sequencer.
It's very basic, and very untouched. Under the performance it was looped from where the snare enters, with manual changes in volume and which instruments played. It consists of two tracks, a drumkit and some synthlead, both e-synth presets. It's from early 2005, when I just got the e-synth, and was recorded in about 5 minutes, most of it is pure improvisation. I recorded it at 80bmp, but when I heard it at 110-120bmp I went for that. Don't mind the name of the mp3, it does'nt have a name.