drum machine multisamples?

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drum machine multisamples?

Postby subsonic » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:00 am

Ok, I just got a tr808 sample set with a vast amount of samples with different attacks, decays as well as three types of saturation per sample.

What I would like to do is to keep the preset as small as possible when it comes to keyboard real estate. Idealy I would want just one key per sample and use a controler to shift samples on that single key. For example one knob would shift between seven different attacks and a second shifts the decays and lastly a third would shift the saturation, this leaves me with a x,y,z matrix where the three controlers together decides which sample appears on that single key. Is this possible at all?

Has anyone done something similar or have any ideas? :thumbs:
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Postby sampleandhold » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:25 am

Well, here is what I would do, and how I would do it if I ever got around to spending the time and money to record a drum kit...

Lets see if I can remember where this is exactly...

You know the bit where you place samples? You typically have an area that includes the voice, then the group, then the sample, then pan, volume (vice versa) then origin. The next page is your range of the voice. Then i fyou go further, you'll find a cross fade window. You'll see a histogram where values from 0 to 127 are present with a bar that is associated with each sample or voice. This range is associated with velocity. You can, in essence place 127 different samples on one key associated with one velocity setting.

What I would do, is take your samples, group them together with similar samples, such as all your kick variations and use that velocity mapping to have the switching between the different samples. This is probably going to be your best bet.

Or, you can use a crap load of presets and program changes but that would get old fairly quick.

Hope this helps, if you still can't find what I am talking about, I will check in my studio and see where the x fade window editor is. But I think I am fairly close to where it is.

If I remember correctly, you can turn velocity off and still have this control over the samples which might be desireable for you. Good luck with it.

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Postby subsonic » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:26 am

Thanks sampleandhold,

I have been thinking of using velocity switching to change the sample. Do you know if its possible to alter the velocity with a controller instead of keyboard pressure with cords patching?

I also read about keyboard splits consisting of different presets. If I somehow can switch the preset on the split with a controller I can have access to two parameters.
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Postby sampleandhold » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:24 am

You can have any source control any destination... it just may not do anything. As for velocity... You can use the mod wheel or pitch or any of the extra sources like MIDI A and so on to modulate the velocity.

The split means that for example, you have preset one on the range c1 to c2 and a second preset on the range c3 to c4. You can have several presets designated to any group of keys. What this means, is that there is no need to switch between presets with a CC you just play the keys that fall in that range. Program changes are very useful, but that is something you have to use an external sequencer for.

I hope this helps.

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Postby subsonic » Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:19 pm

sampleandhold wrote:You can have any source control any destination... it just may not do anything. As for velocity... You can use the mod wheel or pitch or any of the extra sources like MIDI A and so on to modulate the velocity.

I have not tried it yet but I suppose that destination should be AmpVol since Vel< is connected to it by default. I have to try it.

sampleandhold wrote:The split means that for example, you have preset one on the range c1 to c2 and a second preset on the range c3 to c4. You can have several presets designated to any group of keys. What this means, is that there is no need to switch between presets with a CC you just play the keys that fall in that range. Program changes are very useful, but that is something you have to use an external sequencer for.

I hope this helps.


The idea that I have is to limit the keys in use for one particular sound, so a keyboard split with a range of one key where I could change the preset from a controler would be ideal. It seems like this is not possible from within the cords screen, no destination seems to affect preset number.
However program change might be the ticket I?ll have to try how this works when working with a bank consisting of several presets.

Idealy I would like to have control over three parameters simultaniously, but I might do a compromise by using only samples with the longest decay and use a controler to change the decay in the e64 once I find a realistic sounding adsr curve.

I also been thinking of using voices consisting of multiple samples instead of keyboard splits if there is a way to change voice assignments from the cords screen.
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:31 am

What do you mean by voice assignment? I was still thinking of doing the velocity window thing, but perhaps there is something more you want to do...

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Postby subsonic » Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:04 pm

sampleandhold wrote:What do you mean by voice assignment?

The key and range that a voice is assigned to

sampleandhold wrote:I was still thinking of doing the velocity window thing, but perhaps there is something more you want to do...


AFAIK its possible to assign several samples to the same voice and switch between them using velocity. My thinking was that perhaps its easier to change the voice on a specific key than changing a single preset in a keyboard split.

That way I could have access to different attacks using the velocity switch then use different voices for clean, tape, tape saturation, preamp saturation etc.

Now the question is if its possible to change the voice on for example c3 from a controller.
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