Hello all, I recently bought a fat expanded emu 6400 ultra but im getting nowhere with this thing
I came from softsamplers and mostly edit my synths (if possible) using software from midi quest / sounddiver / and all that stuff ..
I was happy to find out I was able to transfer samples using soundforge and scsi, I made the presets in Sounddiver and this way I was able to make some basic banks
For some reason my pc is not co-operating with me anymore and I'm doomed to use the front panel of the sampler.. I'm still able to send samples to my emu but I cant find out how to store them ..
I read through the ultra fat manuals but I couldnt find my answer (its probably there but couldnt find it), only the nice advice that if you turn off the sampler all samples in the temporary memory were gone but not explaining how to store them!
What I did was making 16 presets and then load them all on different channels, I know there is a better way like laying them over the keyboard so I could just use 1 midi channel but it requires extra knowledge again regarding the way of using the samples.. The 1st way is fine for me and offcourse if its not too much trouble a bit of help regarding the 2nd way is always welcome too :)
Can someone please help this emu newbie?